Hi Brajesh,
did you have time to check the Unfollow functionality?Hi Brajesh,
I don’t think we will be in the situation of users matching multiple lists, anyway even if this will happen, the plugin has apply the rules for each list.
But let me explain our situation and maybe you can suggest any other solution:
– I have a list of type ‘Add as Following ‘ of 60 users, with a condition Member type NOT IN xxx , where xxx is a profile type in bodyboss platform.
– so when a new user of profile type xxx is created in system, the plugin acts correctly and does not add this user as follower of the list
– next step, this user on a specific moment upgrades from type xxx to type yyy, I run Sync users on the plugin, and it works correctly, id adds the user as follower of the list
– now in another moment, this user goes inactive, meaning that we remove the profile type from this user, so this user is active in wordpress, but has no profile type, and it not a user visible in members directory. If I run Sync users on the plugin, it skips this user, so this user is still a follower of the list.
– another scneario: a new user of type yyy is created in system, the plugin correctly adds it as follower of the list, ad the new user matches the condition Member type not in xxx.
In a second moment this user goes from type yyy to type xxx, I run the Sync users , but id does not make a Remove operation, so the user remains follower of the list.So we are in the situation where a user that is part of the list, has more follower that the active/visible members in the system.
Do you offer custom paid development if we need this feature?
Hi Brajesh, actually the list is working.
I have an additional question:
– actually , the List type has 3 options available:
Add as Friends
Add as Followers
Add as Followingso basically the plugin is working only to add some user as friend or follower, but not to remove it.
Is it possible to have a new option in the List type, example: Remove as Following? , so when the plugin runs, it removes a user as follower of another user when all conditions are met?
Is this a feature you can provide?Hi Brajesh,
the strange thing is that until end of november, the autofriendship list was working even with conditions, but after end of november it got broken, even that the plugin version is still 1.0.7.
So how could be this explained?Hi Brajesh, check this screenshot: the condition, prime is a PMP level