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    Thanks for your reply Sir.
    Seeing that such feature doesn’t exist in WordPress/ BuddyPress, it means that there’s an opportunity to create and bring to life, a non-existent feature in WordPress/ BuddyPress.

    Can you consider building such a Feature?

    2.) There’s BuddyPress Extended User Profile, which allows us to add extra fields to BuddyPress.

    See it here– https://codex.buddypress.org/administrator-guide/extended-profiles/

    We can use the Date field and call it’s Title “Birthday”.

    Tracking this Date, and sending an Email to the User on this Date is now the issue.

    If you have this code by Ultimate Member — https://docs.ultimatemember.com/article/1765-send-birthday-greetings-to-accounts-with-today-s-birthdays

    Can you modify it for BuddyPress?


  • Participant
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    Posts: 14
    Cordial on in reply to: Site-wide Message on Top of User Profile Dashboard #50382

    Thanks for your reply.

    1.) The Template changes or Template override that you are speaking about, is a long journey.

    I will need to be very extremely good in PHP to be able to do that.

    Unfortunately, I can’t code PHP– thus I’m stranded, and this is not a viable option for me.

    But if you can send me the PHP Code Snippets that can be used to achieve it, I will gladly and most happily receive it.

    2.) Now, I continued searching, and came across this plugin— https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-pinned-feed-notices/

    The plugin is exactly what I want. Just that it doesn’t look beautiful as the sample I showed here– https://prnt.sc/Jy2eUiK9kaAH

    The sample I showed allowed us to add HTML Elements like Button, Image and Text to create the notice.

    But the plugin here( https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-pinned-feed-notices/ ) — seems to be All Text.

    Would you be able to fork the plugin, and create a more advanced version of it– that would make it possible for us to create our Notices with HTML elements like Button, Image, and Text, then be able to style them with CSS?

    Would you be able to fork the plugin and give it more superpowers?


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 14
    Cordial on in reply to: BuddyPress FOLLOW option #40275

    I thought to activate this conversation related to the BuddyPress follow plugin.

    It seems a useful plugin, and I will like to know How far is the status of this plugin?

    The Author(s) have said that they will not be updating the plugin anymore.

    Can you pick up the code and start working on it?
