


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    jobangle on #1015


    Thanks for your quick reply and sorry for not providing enough detail.

    >> I need one clarification before providing details. Are you using sitewide gallery( It is not documented, so I was not sure if anyone was using it. Using it is perfectly fine though)

    Sitewide gallery, meaning a third party plugin or buddypress/mediapress setting?

    By portfolio galleries, do you mean user galleries on their profile?

    Yes, galleries on their profile. But I would like people that are visiting my site to be able to sort galleries by a custom category or tag. The registered users should be able to upload images in that specific category (kind of like an album or “gallery” but it is a fixed value and cannot be edited)

    Say for instance, I have an artwork site… registered users will pick what artwork they are uploading for the community…

    -Digital Artwork

    Then the visiting customer would be able to filter results of uploaded artwork on the frontend.

    >> There are shortcodes available for the filtering as well as if you are a theme developer, you can also use simple Gallery loop( Just like post loop) and do it.

    Can you suggest a plugin? Also, I know RTmedia has a sortby “popular” “newest” “most views”. Are you going to implement this or have a plugin suggestion?

    One more thing–AJAX is not working when I click on galleries. I believe everybody is having this issue… below is my debug info

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