


  • Participant
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    mekcas on #27278

    I can update for user that have been activate. I just want to update the pending user. It not show the update button for pending user

  • Participant
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    mekcas on #26410

    Can I change the array part to: role=‘officer’?
    Because sometimes officer can be add and delete so instead of “hardcoded” the emails maybe I can put the officer variable?

  • Participant
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    mekcas on #26379

    hi. anyone can help me?

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    mekcas on #26201

    Hi. Thanks for your reply. this is my code: https://pastebin.com/LhpqFSTh

  • Participant
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    mekcas on #26189

    Can someone help me? I want to make group name appear in my register page. I have implement this code in register page:


    $args = array(‘profile_group_id’ => $current_profile_group_id);
    $data_groups = BP_XProfile_Group::get( $args );
    echo ‘<h1>’.$data_groups[0]->name.'</h1>’;

    but only ‘Base’ name appear at all field.

  • Participant
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    mekcas on #26188

    Hi. thank you for your reply. Can I implement this code https://github.com/buddypress/BuddyPress/blob/master/src/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/profile/profile-loop.php in register page?

    Sorry, I am beginner in wp and buddypress