Function ‘bp_xprofile_get_groups’ in
buddyboss-platform/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-functions.phpOn line 38, setting default to false fixes the issue:
$repeater_show_main_fields_only = true;The variable is set to false only when ‘profile’ is ‘bp_current_component’
if ( ‘profile’ == bp_current_component() ) {
$repeater_show_main_fields_only = false;
}What would the Tabs be in ‘bp_current_component’ to fix the issue conditionally?
The SQL code a data structure looks concerning: you recommend that the repeater not be used?
The response is below. Are there any specific changes being made from the Tab to the Repeater? All I saw was a direct template from the Tab to BuddyBoss and did not see anything specific that would cause the issue.
They can refer to this documentation for more details:
If you’re interested, we also offer custom development to implement this feature on your site. You can inquire through our agency here:
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Here is the response from BuddyBoss:
Hi Michael,
Thank you for this information. As we checked your concern, the issue needs to be raised to BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro support:
Please do us a favor and contact the plugin author:
and let us know their feedback once you received it. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Have a great day and be safe Michael!
Kind regards,
JR – WordPress Support Engineer
Hi Brajesh,
The BuddyBoss ‘members/single/profile/profile-loop’ is being called on the main Profile which correctly returns the data when ‘Repeater Set’ is enabled.
The error only happens when it is called from the tab using the shortcode.
I am looking through the BuddyBoss bp-xprofile-template.php code to see if I find anything.