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    Peter Blom on in reply to: Buddyblog, images/media support. #1997

    Ah, makes more sense, I went over the buddyblog plugin page as I thought it should have been updated as well but couldn’t see an update 🙂 (can now though 😉 )

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    Peter Blom on in reply to: Buddyblog, images/media support. #1995

    I’m at a loss as well here, updated the BpSFEpp to 1.2.5, no “add media/image button”? Went over the settings briefly thinking it needs to be activated within buddyblog or the like but couldn’t find anything? Even tried a new theme as I thought that might be the culprit (tried with twenty sixteen) but still no “add media” button.

    I’m sure its obvious, but what am I missing?

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    Peter Blom on in reply to: Buddyblog, images/media support. #1967

    Awesome 🙂

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    Peter Blom on in reply to: Buddyblog, images/media support. #1964

    Also, I’d be happy to beta try it if you get a working version out before the weekend. 🙂

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    Peter Blom on in reply to: Buddyblog, images/media support. #1963

    Thanks for the update, nice to hear it seems to be working!

    Its actually a though question, and I’ve been giving that some thought even before you asked it now, trying to figure out what would be the best way to handle it. I’ve read what you wrote twice now and I’m not 100% sure on the functionality.

    If we consider #1, depends on the function here, will it only list the images the user uploaded along with this current post? Or will it list all images just like the backend media manager? If it list’s all, then I would think #2 is the way to go.

    #2 Having it work like the backend is fine, and I realize that this is maybe the way it will have to work.

    In an ideal scenario (that propably is quite a bit outside the scope of this task/plugin) the best way (from a user perspective, and in terms of user friendliness) would probably be the option to add media via upload or insert any media that’s in that user’s own gallery.

    Thought, going with #2, would it be possible to have it filter the images shown based on the uploader (and uploader beeing the user then)? As the user seeing/having acess to all images could potentially be a bit confusing (for the user). If its not possible to solve however that’s the way it will have to be (still way better then no images at all)

    Maybe something useful in this post?

    The above link targeting authors, but maybe applicable to subscribers as well.

    // Peter

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    Peter Blom on in reply to: Buddyblog, images/media support. #1951

    Any updates regarding this?

    // Peter

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    Peter Blom on in reply to: Buddyblog, images/media support. #1870

    Looking forward to see if you can conjure something up. As there really doesn’t seem to be much options out there other then buddyblog for this kind of feature. Other then going with user custom sites in the multisite installation (we are going to allow that further along as well, but maybe only for selected groups/users).