


  • Participant
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    Nicholas DeMuth on #46114

    Hi Brajesh,

    Thank you for the support. The Blog tab was added using BuddyBlog Pro plugin and we were able to change the label through these settings. We can mark this topic as resolved.



  • Participant
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    Nicholas DeMuth on #38392

    Hey Brajesh,


  • Participant
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    Nicholas DeMuth on #38381

    Hey Brajesh,
    Hope you are doing well!!

    Can you please atleast let me know thhe function or hook that I can fire before saving the post from the frontend or on click on the save button while creating the new post from the frontend.

    Looking forward to your reply.

  • Participant
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    Nicholas DeMuth on #38344

    Hey Brajesh,

    Thanks for the quick reply!!

    I want any hook or function by using that I can implement the functionality that I need. Or I need to do the custom coding?Is there any other way so that user’s can create the categories and tags from the front-end, then let me know.

    Can you please let me know when you will launch this feature in the plugin?


  • Participant
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    Nicholas DeMuth on #36952

    Thanks for sending the reply. I have done all the settings.
    Here is the screen-shot: https://prnt.sc/10p1qwk

    I have tested by reporting the= courses and job items.

    Here is the screen-shot: https://prnt.sc/10p1t3s

    Please check.
