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    Nushara on in reply to: User view count partially not working #28159

    This is 90% from Youzer which I can not contact anymore since their Support is not active for me. I then added the clearance routine to make sure the database is not blowing up that much and gets cleared every day at least once.

    But the main structure is done by them.

    Can you tell me how you would normally do something like this?

    Mike from Nushara

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    Nushara on in reply to: [Resolved] Follow Plugin Notification Switch #27971

    Perfect, this was really the hook that I was looking for. Thank you very much.

    What I did is, I’ve added this:

    				'title' => __( 'Follower Notifications', 'youzer' ),
    				'desc'  => __( "Email me when a member starts to follow me", 'youzer' ),
    				'id'    => 'yz_notification_starts_following',
    				'type'  => 'checkbox',
    				'std'   => 'on',
    			), true, 'youzer_notifications'

    To Youzers “class-user-basic-infos.php” right after the friend request setting. You can find this file here:

    youzer -> includes -> public -> core -> widgets -> yz-widgets

    Hope this helps anyone else looking for how to add this option.

    — Mike from Nushara

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Nushara.
  • Participant
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    Nushara on in reply to: [Resolved] Follow Plugin Notification Switch #27969

    Again, thanks for the fast reply 🙂

    This hook seems like the one I was looking for.

    I will test this and report if I get this to work with Youzer.

  • Participant
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    Nushara on in reply to: [Resolved] Follow Plugin Notification Switch #27967

    Hey Brajesh,

    thank you for the fast reply.

    I am not able to find this option on my end. Can you tell me where it is or give me the hook, so I can try to add this to my Youzer template.

    I am using the latest from WordPress repository.

    This is what my README says:

    === BuddyPress Follow ===
    Contributors: apeatling, r-a-y
    Tags: buddypress, following, followers, connections
    Requires at least: WP 3.2 / BP 1.5
    Tested up to: WP 4.4.x / BP 2.5.x
    Stable tag: 1.2.2
    == Changelog ==
    = 1.3.0 =
    * Add object caching support.
    * Add ability to follow sites in WordPress multisite (only available in BuddyPress 2.0+)
    * Add support for BP's Suggestions API (only available in BuddyPress 2.1+)
    * Allow plugin to work in symlinked environments
    * Fix marking notifications as read for bp-default themes
    * Add Spanish translation (props saik003)
    * Developer: Add 'following' scope to activity loop (only available in BuddyPress 2.2+)
    * Developer: Add new <code>'follow_type'</code> and <code>'date_recorded'</code> database columns
    * Developer: Add ability to sort following and followers query by DB column
    * Developer: Add ability to query following and followers by WP's date query
    * Developer: Add ability to disable follow users module
    = 1.2.2 =
    * Fix deprecated notice in widget for those using WordPress 4.3+.
    * Fix member filtering when custom follow slugs are in use.