Hi Javier,
Here some example code to display the full name of user in the profile. But You can manipulate user name value using the user id. Let me know if it works for you or not.
function buddydev_modified_user_profile_name( $name ) { $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); // You can Manipulate $name value using this user id $name = bp_get_displayed_user_fullname(); return $name; } add_filter('bp_get_displayed_user_mentionname', 'buddydev_modified_user_profile_name');
Thank You
RaviHi Javier,
Thank You the acknowledgement. Yes, it will could to have it in bp-custom.php file then We do not need to worry which theme is active.
Thank You,
RaviHi Javier,
Brajesh Sir is away so I am posting here. I have tried your code in bp-custom.php as well as current theme functions.php file and it is working for me. I have checked for SiteWide Activity case also. Try with some high priority
replace the line
add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘restrict_site’ );
add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘restrict_site’, 0 );
and let me know if it works or not.
Thank You
Ravi- This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Ravi.
Hi Christian,
The purpose of this widget is to display the content based on the settings. It doesn’t care what type of media it is . If You select private media to be displayed. It just list the private media in the section whether the user logged in or not. But we have kept this suggestion in our todos and maybe will be fix this in our new version of MediaPress.
Thank You
RaviHi Christian,
Please send me ScreenShot of your Media list widget setting in backend.
Thank You
Ravi- Ravi on June 7, 2016 at 9:25 am in reply to: Just a Activity Feed with the latest Comments and Forum posts #4132
Hi Chris,
Welcome to the BuddyDev. Please paste the following code in your bp-custom.php and use shortcode [activity-custom-loop] in your page or post.
function buddydev_activity_custom_loop() { if( ! function_exists( 'buddypress' ) || ! bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) { return ''; } ?> <?php if ( bp_has_activities( array( 'per_page' => false ) ) ) : ?> <ul id="activity-stream" class="activity-list item-list"> <?php while ( bp_activities() ) : bp_the_activity(); ?> <li class="<?php bp_activity_css_class(); ?>" id="activity-<?php bp_activity_id(); ?>"> <div class="activity-content"> <div class="activity-header"> <?php bp_activity_action(); ?> </div> </div> </li> <?php endwhile; ?> </ul> <?php else : ?> <div id="message" class="info"> <p><?php _e( 'Sorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.', 'buddypress' ); ?></p> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php } add_shortcode('activity-custom-loop','buddydev_activity_custom_loop');
Let me know if it works for you or not.
Thank You
Ravi Hi Christian,
Are you referring media list widget of MediaPress?
Thank You
Ravi- Ravi on June 6, 2016 at 2:59 pm in reply to: [Resolved] Allow Group Administrators to Register Users #4117
Hi Javier,
Thank you for appreciation. I am glad that I could help.
Thank You
Ravi - Ravi on June 5, 2016 at 9:07 pm in reply to: [Resolved] Allow Group Administrators to Register Users #4110
Hi Javier,
I have uploaded the code on github for Group’s admin to add users. Please clone it or download archive file from the following URL.
Thank You
Ravi Hi Dandy,
Thank You for the acknowledgement. Sure, We will look forward on your plugin suggestion and will let you know.
Thank You