Hello Brian,
Welcome to BuddyDev Forums. We have a small plugin for applying categories to the gallery. You can download the plugin using the following URL:
Filtering on galleries directory only supported with BuddyPress Legacy template.
Please check.
Ravi- Ravi on August 18, 2022 at 5:45 am in reply to: [Resolved] BuddyPress Sitewide Activity Widget, hide “Viewing…” text? #46086
Hello Michael,
Please try the following CSS rule to hide the text:
div.swa-pagination #activity-count { display: none; }
Please try after a hard reload of the page or in the browser’s incognito mode.
Ravi - This reply has been marked as private.
- Ravi on August 12, 2022 at 7:03 am in reply to: [Resolved] Green dot to the corner of a users avatar if they are currently online #46010
I am glad to help you.
Ravi - Ravi on August 10, 2022 at 7:43 am in reply to: [Resolved] Green dot to the corner of a users avatar if they are currently online #45975
Hello Hans,
Thank you for posting. Please try the following code:
add_filter( 'bp_core_avatar_class', function ( $class, $item_id, $object ) { if ( 'user' != $object ) { return $class; } $last_activity_time = bp_get_user_last_activity( $item_id ); // Maybe add 'is-online' class. if ( ! empty( $last_activity_time ) ) { // Calculate some times. $current_time = bp_core_current_time( true, 'timestamp' ); $last_activity = strtotime( $last_activity_time ); $still_online = strtotime( '+5 minutes', $last_activity ); // Has the user been active recently? if ( $current_time <= $still_online ) { $class .= ' is-online'; } } return $class; }, 10, 3 );
It will add a class to the avatar ‘is-online’ with this class you can apply the CSS rule for online users.
Ravi - Ravi on August 10, 2022 at 7:19 am in reply to: User profiles tabs creator pro – BuddyBoss – doesn’t change existing tabs #45974
Hello George,
Please let me know if have you tried the following resource.
It guides you on how you can modify the existing profile tab.
Please let me know if it helps or not.
Ravi - Ravi on August 10, 2022 at 7:11 am in reply to: [Resolved] Display only Active Friends for Logged in user #45973
Thank You
- Ravi on August 10, 2022 at 7:08 am in reply to: Mediapress Single Predefined User Gallery that can not be edited or deleted #45972
Hello Joseph,
Thank you for posting. You can use the following code for predefined galleries form editing or deletion. Or you can use $user to find user predefined gallery and do not allow him/her from editing or deleting.
// Prevent user form edit predefined gallery. add_filter( 'mpp_user_can_edit_gallery', function ( $can, $gallery, $user_id ) { $predefined_gallery_id = 36; if ( $predefined_gallery_id == $gallery->id ) { $can = false; } return $can; }, 10, 3 ); // Prevent user from deleting predefined gallery. add_filter( 'mpp_user_can_delete_gallery', function ( $can, $gallery, $user_id ) { $predefined_gallery_id = 36; if ( $predefined_gallery_id == $gallery->id ) { $can = false; } return $can; }, 10, 3 );
Please check and modify the solution as per your requirement.
Ravi - Ravi on August 9, 2022 at 5:17 am in reply to: [Resolved] Not working Restrict Email Domains with Theme Login form #45963
Hello Masuk,
Thank you for the acknowledgement. I am glad to know that it is working fine.
Ravi - Ravi on August 9, 2022 at 5:16 am in reply to: [Resolved] BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro + BuddyPress Featured Members (2) #45962
Hello Tosin,
Thank you for the acknowledgement. I am glad that I could help.