


  • Participant
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    Ricardo Chinchilla on #7263

    Any help here, please.

    I’m interested in a suscription for further professional assistance, but no one has replyed my last request with bp-multi-network.

    Can you help me.!

  • Participant
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    Ricardo Chinchilla on #7147

    Hi Brajesh…

    Im sorry to bother you.

    How can I make profile fields global to fix the not-syncing xprofile issue?.

    I’ll appreciatte your help.


    BTW I have this other question:
    What if I import a batch of users with some third party plugin? Have some problem with buddypress-multi-network plugin?

    Have a good day!

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Ricardo Chinchilla on #6909

    Hello Brajesh

    Thanks for reply.

    I don’t need specific profile fields for each site. All sites have same BP xprofiles fields.

    ¿ Could you help me with this.?

    Happy new year.