Please advise how we can remove the dropdown on the member directory, or limit the search options.
ie. remove the ability to select Last Active, Newest Registered, etc.
For additional clarity, disabling the RCP for BuddyPress does change the user count down to the correct number of users that have specified that their account can be visible, however changing to sort by alphabetical still shows users that should not be listed (i.e show by Last Active and Newest Registered shows 2 users; and sort by Alphabetical shows 7.
The BuddyPress theme was BuddyPress Legacy.
I have updated to the latest BuddyPress version (3.1.0) which now adds a BuddyPress Nouveau. I have tried this as well, and it makes no difference.
We have the following plugins:
BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager from BuddyDev
RCP for BuddyPress Add-on from the Restrict Content Pro for BuddyPress add-on resolves this directory listing issue, but means we have no user integration with BuddyPress.
Posting this here for reference for others.
I’ll log a support request with the RCP for BuddyPress developers to investigate this further.