Hi Ravi
That worked ! Thanks a hundred times for
your help.buddydev is a great website.
Thank you
sunnyHi Ravi
Thanks for all your great help !
Tried this , didn’t work
echo do_shortcode(‘[bp_is_activity_directory]’); ?>Changed theme functions code from
add_shortcode( ‘bp-activity-search-form’, function ( $atts ) {
to this
add_shortcode( ‘bp_is_activity_directory’, function ( $atts ) {
Then used shortcode
echo do_shortcode(‘[bp_is_activity_directory]’); ?>—————–
That made the form but didn’t restrict it to the Activity Page.
That’s all I can do.
How do I use this ?
‘bp_is_activity_directory’ function
Thank you
SunnyHI ravi
Maybe an easy way to put the search form only
on the activity page would be to use the WP
header.This worked but the form appears on every
echo do_shortcode(‘[bp-activity-search-form]’); ?>This will keep a shortcode function on the homepage
echo do_shortcode(“[bp-activity-search-form restrict_to=home]”);
?>Could you help me specify a page ID number ?
I tried some things, they didn’t work.
Thank You.
SunnyHey Ravi
That code works ! ! ! Thank You. Thanks again ! !
I tried the shortcode on the WP page created for the
buddypress activity page. the form doesn’t appear
on the activity page.So I made a new WP page. The short code works
there and forwards to the activity page with the
results.Can the search form appear on the
activity page somehow ?
If it was on top of the other content and
pushed it down on the page the resposive
theme would work.
Can code be transferred from a newer
buddypress and applied to a legacy
Works !
Your great RaviExample URL
Is there an easy php that will create the same search
form thats on the groups / members page?
because that would work with the responsive theme !If not,
If html is used on a new WP page to create the form,
were and how are the posts rendered ?either way I can’t write that code.
could you help with that?Thank you
sunnybuddy- This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
sunny buddy.
- This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
Hello Ravi
Well, both buddypress and theme are old ,
legacy templet pack, the theme is full width primer.The theme has been heavily modified and runs on a
large child sheet activated by theme functions code.buddypress is pre-Nouveau with a lot of plugs and
theme function tweeks. There are core file mods for
small things like number of posts or members
per page.The theme is responsive / adjust to mobile
devices. It might be better to some how create a
short-code search page because I don’t know
what a search form will do to the responsive
activity page.No Youzify
Anything you can think of would be greatly