Brajesh, thank you for your response.
RE: extra profile fields, I do have extra profile fields, but they don’t need to be filled in at registration.
I do want to be sure that using WooCommerce for registration won’t impact the integration between BP and WooCommerce. The WC info on orders, membrship, subscriptions will still be part of the profile, right?If a user makes a purchase through WooCommerce, will this automatically create a profile in BuddyPress, assuming I have the integration set up properly. That’s a part of what BuddyCommerce does, right — the two-way integration.
And, if I don’t assign any pages to BuddyPress Registration/Activation, it is ok to ignore this warning: “The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activate, Register. Repair”
I also want to be certain that I am not opening up some kind of unanticipated security/spam vulnerability. Is there anything I should be concerned about with this kind of set-up — Using WooCommerce for registration
I have some additional figuring and checking to do re: Member types, etc — so I am sure I will be back with more questions.