


  • Participant
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    Vlad on in reply to: [Resolved] CubePoints Buddypress Integration #42536

    Hi Brajesh!

    can you suggest something like that

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Hi Brajesh!

    ok everything works, apparently there was some mistake,
    thank you for wasting your time with me.

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    Vlad on in reply to: [Resolved] Update the user xprofile field #42224

    Hi Brajesh!

    You are my super star !!!
    Helped again!
    Everything works as it should.

    Changed a little.
    Field name – group slug

    $field = ‘My Field Name’; // Please Update it with Your Xprofile field id or name.
    $field = bp_get_group_slug( groups_get_current_group() );

    Thank you very much!!!

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    Hello Brajesh!

    The group admin has a role – company.
    When I add the wcfm_vendor role, then some of the group admin functions stop working

    Any thoughts on this, thanks

  • Participant
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    Vlad on in reply to: [Resolved] Update the user xprofile field #42195

    Hello Brajesh!

    The group member has an xprofile field.
    The group administrator can change the value of the field.
    Field type – text

    I would be glad for any help, thanks

  • Participant
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    Hi Ravi,

    I found.
    On getting the role wcfm_vendor, the WCFM Marketplace plugin.


    Its capabilities
    public static function wcfmmp_user_role () {

    add_role (‘wcfm_vendor’, apply_filters (‘wcfm_vendor_role’, __ (‘Store Vendor’, ‘wc-multivendor-marketplace’)), array (
    ‘level_6’ => true,
    ‘level_5’ => true,
    ‘level_4’ => true,
    ‘level_3’ => true,
    ‘level_2’ => true,
    ‘level_1’ => true,
    ‘level_0’ => true,

    ‘read’ => true,
    ‘edit_post’ => true,
    ‘edit_posts’ => true,
    ‘edit_others_posts’ => true,
    ‘edit_published_posts’ => true,
    ‘delete_posts’ => true,

    ‘edit_shop_coupons’ => true,
    ‘manage_shop_coupons’ => true,
    ‘read_shop_coupons’ => true,
    ‘publish_shop_coupons’ => true,
    ‘edit_published_shop_coupons’ => true,
    ‘delete_shop_coupons’ => true,
    ‘delete_published_shop_coupons’ => true,

    ‘edit_others_pages’ => true,
    ‘edit_published_pages’ => true,

    ‘upload_files’ => true,
    ‘delete_attachments’ => true,
    ‘unfiltered_html’ => true,

    ‘assign_product_terms’ => true,

    ‘manage_product’ => true,
    ‘read_product’ => true,
    ‘read_shop_coupon’ => true,
    ‘edit_product’ => true,
    ‘delete_product’ => true,
    ‘edit_products’ => true,
    ‘delete_products’ => true,
    ‘delete_published_products’ => true,
    ‘publish_products’ => true,
    ‘edit_published_products’ => true,
    ‘view_woocommerce_reports’ => true,

    ‘export’ => true,
    ‘import’ => true,

    There are thoughts that can block the group admin
    I will be glad any help, thanks

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    Vlad on in reply to: [Resolved] Update the user xprofile field #42176

    Hi Ravi,

    i have:

    $ field_id = my_field_id;
    $ user_id = my_user_id;
    field type text

    The code is big, i’m not good at this.
    I don’t understand how to apply this.

    I would be glad for any help, thanks

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Vlad.
  • Participant
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    full access is needed only to his group

  • Participant
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    The member already has a group (he is the group administrator),
    but when he gets a second role, some functions disappear.
    I created a new member type and a new role.
    When the group admin gets 2 roles,
    some of the group admin functions disappear.

  • Participant
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    Vlad on in reply to: [Resolved] BuddyPress Live Notification plugin #41390

    realized it depends on the number of messages