- Vlad on November 1, 2021 at 8:44 am in reply to: [Resolved] BuddyPress Live Notification plugin #41389
Ravi you are super
everything works fine,
but why does it show 2 windows Hi Brajesh,
I noticed that the filter actions are reset when you go to the next page,
can you help me fix this.Hi Brajesh,
i didn’t work with pastebin,
here is the code working,
the page is reloading,
works faster than ajax,
will you advise how to do it better,
this is how i did –
global $wpdb, $bp;
<form action=”” method=”get” name=”form_filter” id=”form_filter”>
<select name=”groups_search_city” id=”groups_search_city” class=”livesearch”>
<option value=””>Выбрать город</option><?php
$cities = $wpdb->get_col(“SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM wp_bp_groups_groupmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘group_custom_field_city'”);
foreach ( $cities as $city ) {
echo ‘<option value=”‘ . $city . ‘”>’ . $city . ‘</option>’;
</select><select name=”groups_search_working” id=”groups_search_working” class=”livesearch”>
<option value=””>Выбрать вид деятельности</option><?php
$workings = $wpdb->get_col(“SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM wp_bp_groups_groupmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘group_custom_field_working'”);
foreach ( $workings as $working ) {
echo ‘<option value=”‘ . $working . ‘”>’ . $working . ‘</option>’;
<select name=”groups-order-by” id=”groups-order-by” class=”livesearch”>
<option value=”active”><?php esc_html_e( ‘Last Active’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></option>
<option value=”popular”><?php esc_html_e( ‘Most Members’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></option>
<option value=”newest”><?php esc_html_e( ‘Newly Created’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></option>
<option value=”alphabetical”><?php esc_html_e( ‘Alphabetical’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></option>
$args_meta = array(
‘type’ => $_POST[‘groups-order-by’],
‘per_page’ => ’12’,
‘meta_query’ => array(
‘relation’ => ‘AND’,
‘group_custom_field_city’ => array(
‘key’ => ‘group_custom_field_city’,
‘value’ => $_POST[‘groups_search_city’],
‘compare’ => ‘LIKE’,
),‘group_custom_field_working’ => array(
‘key’ => ‘group_custom_field_working’,
‘value’ => $_POST[‘groups_search_working’],
‘compare’ => ‘LIKE’,
),‘orderby’ => array(
‘group_custom_field_city’ => ‘ASC’,
‘group_custom_field_working’ => ‘ASC’,
<input type=”submit” value=”search” /> reset
</div><?php if ( bp_has_groups( $args_meta )) : ?>
‘Hello Brajesh,
did so,
it is working,
the page reloads,
filter bp_groups_directory_order_options stopped working,
what do you recommend on the filter‘
<?phpglobal $wpdb, $bp;
<form action=”” method=”get”><select name=”groups_search_city” id=”groups_search_city”>
<option value=””>City</option>
<?php$cities = $wpdb->get_col(“SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM wp_bp_groups_groupmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘group_custom_field_city'”);
foreach ( $cities as $city ) {
echo ‘<option value=”‘ . $city . ‘”>’ . $city . ‘</option>’;
</select><select name=”groups_search_working” id=”groups_search_working”>
<option value=””>Working</option><?php
$workings = $wpdb->get_col(“SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM wp_bp_groups_groupmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘group_custom_field_working'”);
foreach ( $workings as $working ) {
echo ‘<option value=”‘ . $working . ‘”>’ . $working . ‘</option>’;
$args_meta = array(
‘post-type’ => ‘groups’,
‘per_page’ => ’24’,‘meta_query’ => array(
‘relation’ => ‘AND’,‘group_custom_field_city’ => array(
‘key’ => ‘group_custom_field_city’,
‘value’ => $_POST[‘groups_search_city’],
‘compare’ => ‘LIKE’,
),‘group_custom_field_working’ => array(
‘key’ => ‘group_custom_field_working’,
‘value’ => $_POST[‘groups_search_working’],
‘compare’ => ‘LIKE’,
),‘orderby’ => array(
‘group_custom_field_city’ => ‘ASC’,
‘group_custom_field_working’ => ‘ASC’,
<input type=”submit” value=”Search” />
</div><?php if ( bp_has_groups( $args_meta, ( bp_ajax_querystring( ‘groups’ )) . ‘&per_page=’ . svq_option( ‘bp_groups_perpage’, 24 ) ) ) : ?>
‘- Vlad on April 23, 2021 at 8:50 am in reply to: [Resolved] Automatic field creation when creating a user group by group slug #38251
Thanks Brajesh,
the code works as it should,
you are a very good specialist
helped me a lot.Items 2, 4.
I did it with google.
Found plugins:
remade for myself.I am glad that I had a good time with you.
Best regards, Vlad
- Vlad on April 22, 2021 at 12:47 pm in reply to: [Resolved] Automatic field creation when creating a user group by group slug #38193
Hello Brajesh,
Sorry for my English.
I’ll write again.Yes, I need a code for 1 and 3.
1. I need to automatically create 1 field in the profile of the site members, in the specified group of fields,
when creating a user group.
Field name: slug of the user group.3. The field is removed from the profile of all site members,
when deleting a user group.Thanks for the help.
- Vlad on April 21, 2021 at 2:08 am in reply to: [Resolved] Automatic field creation when creating a user group by group slug #38133
Thanks for answering Brajesh,
Yes, I need a code for 1 and 3.
1. I need 1 field in the profile of the site members,
in the specified field group.
Field name – slug by user group.3. The field is removed from the profile for all site members,
when deleting a user group.Write how much the work on item 2 will cost,
and how much the work on item 4 will cost.Thanks for the help.