
21 Responses to BP Deactivate Account

  • Initial release

  • Add translation support.
    Allow Admins to update User account status from Dashboard->Edit user page.

  • Updated for BuddyPress 2.5.1. Improves code.

  • Fix a typo in the notice message.

  • Updated to allow admins to set user accounts active/deactive from front end too. Also fix the total number of active users/

  • Updated and tested with BuddyPress 2.8.2.

  • Updated to fix translation of the account status tab title.

  • Major Updates with email notifications for activation/deactivation, user blocking, admin users list of deactivated users and a lot more. Please see plugin page for details.

  • Fix the settings loader path to be case sensitive.

  • Fix the settings notice which needed double saving to show correct message.

  • 1. If logout is enabled, Logout user from all devices on account deactivation.
    2. Added css classes to body to allow easy styling.

  • Fix admin notification.
    Make sure the pt settings is not loaded early.

  • Added 4 new filter to provide more control via API. Mails can be disabled conditionally using these filters.

  • Fix the fatal Ajax handler when other plugin using PT settings framework is active.

  • Updating the settings framework.

  • Add action to allow extra settings.
    Make the hooks singleton to allow reuse button generator.

  • Fix Activate button not showing on user profile.
    Fix Logout on deactivation even when the settitng was not enabled.
    Fix persistent notice on activation.

  • Enhanced experienced for site admins if they deactivate a user account in dashboard(No redirect to user profile).

  • Fixes 404 issue if a user logs out from their deactivation settings page while using BuddyBoss.

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.

  • Added support for BuddyPress 14