
23 Responses to BuddyPress User Contact Form

  • Initial release.

  • Make sure to remove the attachment file from server after the mail is sent.

  • Fix the setting loader path issue.
    Released: 11/04/2017
    Last tested: Feb 14, 2018

  • 1. Fix settings page permission.
    2. Test with BuddyPress 3.0

  • Added support for Recaptcha

  • Allow site admins to enable/disable the form a user's own profile.

  • Update the settings framework.
    Released on: 09/10/2018

  • Add option to control default contact form visibility if users are allowed to toggle the contact form.

  • Make sure to show the notice even when the current theme does not have support for BuddyPress notice.

  • Better markup for form fields.

  • Add support for bbPress roles.

  • Better experience for form interface on BuddyBoss platform.

  • Added option to set different subject prefix for admin.
    Added Ability to add extra notice message above the form.
    Added a filter for custom validations.

  • Added option to send notifications to multiple email addressses.

  • Use current user's display name and email as default values in the form

  • Make sure to unslash every submitted data.

  • introduced new filter for validating contact me screen

  • Added the ability to specify custom position for the nav.

  • Do not show user setting if not allowed to contact

  • Add support for shortcode to render user contact form

  • Integrate google reCAPTCHA v3
    reorganize admin settings

  • – Added compatibility with youzify.
    – Added ability to disable sending email to profile owner and receive all emails on site admin email.

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.