
43 Responses to Recent Visitors For BuddyPress Profile

  • First release

  • Recent Visitors updated for BuddyPress 1.5

  • Updated for BuddyPress
    Special Thanks to @Hans for suggesting the fixes for non translatable string.
    Also, fixes the usage of bp global in some statics functions.

  • Updated for BuddyPress 1.7

  • Adding Support for WP Adminbar settings menu

  • Updated to fix the template loading issues on Visitors component page

  • Updated to add filtering on the visitors component for 7 days, 30 days. Also added support on Member directory .

  • Updated to add last visit time in the component screen if it is enabled. Also, fix the visibility issue that was introduced in 1.2.2

  • Updated to allow disabling of the directory tabs for recent visitors

  • Updated to add the the User notification features( Local BuddyPress notification and By email notification for new profile visits).

  • #added size option in the shortcode using size parameter for controlling avatar size

  • Skipping version 1.2.6.
    added support for custom avatar size
    added support for enabling/disabling user settings

  • Major Changes:-
    * Folder name change from recent-visitors-for-bp to recent-visitors-for-buddypress-profile to allow us autoupgrade in future.
    * The update allows the visitor object to be accessible in the template generation function instead of the visitor_id
    * A custom output can be generated by filtering on 'visitors_pre_item_html'

  • Updated to avoid issues when BuddyPress settings component is disabled.

  • Fixes the user display issue on visitor component page

  • Fix privacy issues if the component screen is enabled

  • – Allow disabling the plugin features completely for some of the profile types
    – Allow excluding some of the roles from getting recorded
    -Allow site admin to use a recording policy( always record visitors or only record if the virtors and the displayed user both have it enabled)
    -Refactor partially.

  • Added Most visited Users widget & shortcodes.
    Also, Completely cleaned up code for wp standards. It makes it easy to provide a complete admin settings in our next release.

  • Add extensive admin options panel to allow customize each feature of the plugin.

  • Added filters on the where conditions for sql.
    Added compatibility with Simple BuddyPress Profile Privacy

  • Fixes the visibility of Visitors tab on profile.
    Fixes the user list in the sitewide popular users list.

  • Added compatibility with BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager for honouring the privacy.
    Released on: 09/15/2017
    Last tested: 02/13/2018

  • Fix count for the visitor tab when some of the members are hidden.
    Released on: 05/15/2018

  • Added email template. Now site admin can modify email format from "Emails menu" in the backend.

  • minor update to add a filter for settings page visibility

  • Add support for overriding the markup via template override

  • Added Recent visitors widget.
    Added option to disable notification for repeated visits.
    Added a filter to show profile component as needed.

  • remove deleted users from the visitors list. The counts are eventually consistent after transient expires(at most 60 minutes).

  • Fix the filter for showing component tabs.
    Fix duplicate email template creation(on reactivation) when the admin changed contents of email.

  • Fix shortcode bug

  • Add better compat with BuddyBoss members listing. removes the buttons.

  • Remove action buttons from visitors list on BuddyBoss platform. Fixes link not working.

  • Fixed the visibility of the Visitors nav for disabled roles. The screen was not viewable but nav was visible. This update fixes that.

  • Added support for BuddyBoss specific markup for settings.

  • Mark notification as read when user click on recent visitor notification

  • Added support for BuddyBoss Theme version 2
    Fix notices of template for version 1 of BuddyBoss

  • Fixed issue of showing tab when mutual recording policy is enabled and the user disables their recording.

  • Added compatibility with BuddyPress 12.0

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.

  • Added support for BuddyBoss custom notification API
    Bug fix directory tab count in BuddyBoss

  • Update plugin header info i.e. plugin url and requires plugin list

  • Update plugin header to remove required plugins info