
BuddyDev Blog

Let your users showcase their featured media on your BuddyPress site

We are releasing MediaPress Featured Content plugin today. The plugin allows BuddyPress Users to feature photos, videos, audios, documents and galleries and show these on their profile. If you are a BuddyPress site owner, this may allow you to add extra zing to your site. Features. Allows featuring BuddyPress user galleries. Allows featuring BuddyPress User …

BuddyPress Private Message button Shortcode

Welcome back folks. We will see today how can we create a shortcode for the BuddyPress Send Private Message button as well as auto injecting the Send Private Message to post entries for the authors. Goal:- Creating shortcode for the BuddyPress Send Private Message button to send Private message to any user using user id …

BuddyPress and Breadcrumb Trail Plugin Compatibility – Updated

If you are using a newer version of BuddyPress(2.6.0 or newer), My old code for adding breadcrumb for BuddyPress components won't work. It is due to the change in the way BuddyPress Nav items are handled now. A few years ago, I created a better solution for our Community Builder theme and the Breadcrumb Trail …

BuddyPress Activity Without Read More

Do you want to diable the Read More link from the BuddyPress activity entry and show the complete activity content? if yes, you may use the following code. /** * Show all activity content instead of the trimmed content with read more. */ function buddydev_show_all_activity_content() { remove_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content_body', 'bp_activity_truncate_entry', 5 ); remove_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content', 'bp_activity_truncate_entry', 5 …

Limit BuddyPress User and Group Avatar File size

You all know that you can limit the dimension of BuddyPress avatars using the constatnts as exlained here. It is also possible to limit the file size(allowed upload size) for the BuddyPress Avatar. Here is the code that you can put in your bp-custom.php /** * Limit BuddyPress Avatar file size. * * @param int …

Redirect WordPress Author Archive to BuddyPress Profile

Need to redirect from users's WordPress post archive page to their BuddyPress profile? It's easy. You can put the following code into bp-custom.php or in your theme's functions.php /** * Redirect Author archive to user profile. */ function buddydev_redirect_author_archive_to_bp_profile() { if ( is_author() ) { $redirect_url = bp_core_get_user_domain( get_queried_object_id() ); // Update it if you …

Make BuddyPress Pages Members Only

Do you want to make the BuddyPress section of your site member only? It's pretty easy. All we need to do is check if a user is not logged in and they are in BuddyPress section and the current page is not Register or activation page, redirect them to login. Here is the code. /** …

Reordering BuddyPress User Profile tabs

BuddyPress 2.6.0 introduced simpler ways to organize nav items. If you are looking for ways to reorder, It is very simple. Before we dive into code, some basics first. BuddyPress uses numeric position as a way to sort the nav items. The nav items are ordered in ascending order(lower values come first). We can use …

Moderate BuddyPress user profile photo uploads with BuddyPress Avatar Moderator

Do you want to moderate the user profile photo uploads on your BuddyPress Site? If yes, you can use the BuddyPress Avatar Moderator plugin to moderate user profile photos and group display photos for BuddyPress. Features:- BuddyPress User profile photo moderation/BuddyPress User avatar moderation. BuddyPress group display photo moderation(BuddyPress Group avatar moderation) You can either …