

How do I enable BuddyPress Registration?

Please visit Dashboard->settings->General and check “Anyone Can register“. If you are using multisite, please visit Dashboard->Network Admin->Settings for the same.

How do I disable BuddyPress Registration?

Please visit Dashboard->settings->General and uncheck “Anyone Can register”. Dashboard->Network Admin->Settings for the same.

How do I change the slug for BuddyPress registration page from “register” to something else?

Please visit Dashboard->Pages and edit the register page. Modify the slug as you please.


How do I add new fields to BuddyPress registration page?

Please visit Dashboard->Users->Profile Fields and add new field. Make sure you are adding the field to first profile field group. Only the fields from first profile field group are available on registration page.

What is Profile Field Group?

Profile field groups are a way to origanize profile fields. These will be available on a users’s edit profile page.


How do I create a new profile field group?

Please visit Dashboard->Users->Profile Fields and click on Add New field group as shown below.


How do I add a field to a specific profile fields group?

Please visit Dashboard->Profile Fields and click on a profile field group(appears as tab name). and then click on add new field. Here is a quick video.

How do I move a profile field from one profile field group to another?

You can simply drag and drop the field as shown below.

How do I reorder profile fields in a a field group?

You can simply drag and drop to reorder the field.


Why not all fields are appearing on my registration page?

By default, Only the fields from first profile field group are used on BuddyPress registration(prior to 8.0). If you are using BuddyPress 8.0 or above, you can add the fields to “Signup” group.