
23 Responses to BP User Testimonials

  • Update Menu Position
    ok, It does work with Bp 1.6+

  • -allow email notification
    -allow some other cosmetic changes
    -fix a couple of notices
    -fix pagination

  • Date: 16th April, 2014:-
    Tested with BuddyPress 2.0

    fix for wpdb::prepare notices with WordPress 3.5

  • Updated for BuddyPress 2.2+(tested with WordPress 4.2 )
    Fixes PHP 5.4 notices and a refactored code for better redability.

  • Change in the directory name. before upgrading, please delete old plugin. This change allows us to use automatic upgrade in future.
    Date of testimonials should be localized now(thanks to Hans)
    removed deprectade notification functions and replaced by the equivalent.

  • Add testimonials widget. Update translations and textdomain to 'bp-user-testimonials' and some code cleanup.

  • Fix a notice in core component

  • Removed the separate tab for writing testimonial. It is not required. Also, cleaned up the main file and Component files.

  • CSS enhancements to make the form better. Reorganize the buttons.

  • Add css for better layout

  • Update markup for notifications screen to be more inline with BuddyBoss platform.

  • Added hooks to allow controlling who can have the testimonials enabled.

  • Fix the testimonials not showing on the admin associated page

  • Add better layout support for BuddyBoss theme

  • Email notification set the default to yes when email preference not saved by user

  • Fixed notification bubble in user profile(adds relevant css class).
    Fixed Comment counts in WordPress dashboard.
    Fixed exclusion of testimonials form recent comments.

  • Fix a notice which was introduced in 1.2.0

  • New filter to filter testimonial link in the notification

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.

  • Added support for BuddyPress 14

  • Escaped local notification

  • Fixed deprecated notices of dynamic properties on classes