
47 Responses to BuddyPress Ajax Registration

  • Initial release of the plugin. Compatible with BP Autoactivate Autologin v 1.2.6

  • Add languages directory and the po file. Thanks @Laurent.

  • Update to show the sub blog url correctly on network subdomain.

    Thanks @Saunt

  • Fix issues with user being not activated/logged in in case of Standard WordPress.

  • BuddyPress 1.6 Compatibility
    The Form can be loaded via ajax or without it.

  • Update the js file to add support for wp-adminbar registration link

  • Updated to use the template from theme(Had a bug earlier which prevented loading the form template from theme).

  • Updated for BuddyPress 1.7

  • Updated to use the custom register.php file from theme which was not working. Also cleaned code to use wp standard.

  • Updated for BuddyPress 1.9+
    Added Responsiveness

  • Add support for Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type plugin

  • Updated to support the new account activation mechanism of BuddyPress 2.0+ Also, there is a change in the template file name form register.php to ajax-registration-form.php to avoid the page template conflict.

  • Add support for various custom field types added in BuddyPress 2.0+

  • Updated to support the wplms theme by using the 'vbregister' class selector in css
    Also, removed the unused files.

  • Updated to be even more compatible with Vibe shortcodes plugin. Make sure to upgrade the magnific popup script bundled with your vibe shortcode is version 0.9.9 or above.

  • Updated to add the filter "bpajaxr_is_auto_activation_mode". Now, you can use the Bp Ajax registration to show the registration form on any page and let teh normal process work by filtering on this ho.

  • Updated to have compatibibility with Conditional profile Fields for BuddyPress Plugin. It also fixes a bug that caused hiding of adminbar if ajax mode was not checked.

  • Allow custom redirect location by using filter 'bpajaxr_redirect_url' after the signup.
    Also, fix notices for php 5.4

  • Loading of translation files are revamped. Please see the documentation. Also, changed text domain to 'bp-ajax-registration'. Fix a type in text.
    Also, now the filter 'bpajaxr_redirect_url' passes the user id with the url.

  • Add more registration link selectors. Fix the close button taking button background on hover.

  • Add support for BuddyDev Username Availability Checker plugin and BuddyPress recaptcha plugin

  • Updated for BuddyPress 2.4.0. Disables rich text area inside the modal box.

  • Added filter bp_ajaxr_response to allow filtering the complete response data.

  • Adding Better support for recaptcha plugin

  • Add loaders for the visual feedback to the user. Test with BuddyPress

  • Fix to stop sending password reset email on account activation.

  • Updated to streamline the conditionals.

  • Updated to allow registering from the login page.

  • Updated for fixing js conflict on pages having recaptcha.

  • Updated to fix the bug causing user becoming invisible on BP 2.7+. To make older users visible too, please deactivate and activate the plugin again.

  • some cosmetic changes and testing with BuddyPress 2.8

  • Updated to allow disabling the "Default Role" from being added on multisite. Now, the site admins can decide whether to use it or not.

  • Updated to add compatibility with Force email login.

  • Updated and tested with BuddyPress 2.9.
    Fixed an issue with the profile fields.

  • Add the ".bp-register-nav a" selector to allow using BuddyPress custom register nav.

  • Fix bug due to BuddyPress Registration template update
    Released on: 08/19/2017
    Last tested: 05/24/2018

  • Complete rewrite of the plugin with login, registration, forget password support.
    For upgrading, please see https://buddydev.com/docs/buddypress-ajax-registration/buddypress-ajax-registration-plugin-upgrading-from-1-x-to-2-0/

    Breaking change:- Won't support BuddyPress recaptcha plugin(if you are using). We will have our own integration in fuuture.

  • Updating settings framework.

  • Fix the typo in forgot password box.
    Avoid duplicate nonce field ids in html.

  • Fix fatal error when BuddyPress Xprofile is disabled.

  • Show proper feedback on each screen.

  • Fix a fatal error when BP Ajax Registration and BuddyPress User Name availability checker or BuddyPress Conditional Profile field is active.

  • Add filters for login, registration and forget password redirect url.

  • better compatibility with Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha.

  • Added compatibility with BuddyPress 12.0

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.

  • Added BP 14 compatibility