
16 Responses to BuddyPress Avatar Moderator

  • Initial release.

  • Fix settings path for case sensitive environment.
    Released on: 11/04/2017
    Last tested: 06/06/2018

  • Update settings framework.

  • Fix the url in admin notification. Please change 'View: %s" to "View: [queue_url]" in the moderator settings admin notification message.

  • Added settings for whitelisted roles that do not need moderation.
    Old avatar will be shown if the new avatar is not approved or rejected.
    Bug fix of the undefined method if both the avatar setting is disabled in BuddyPress.

  • Fix a fatal error on php 5.4 and lower due to use of function call in empty construct. Only variables are allowed.

  • Bug fix due to return value before delete avatar
    New action when old avatar gets restored

  • Introduced new filter to modify placeholder image

  • Added support for putting avatar in moderation even if REST API is being used.

  • Fixed fatal error introduced in 1.1.4 due to incorrect number of partameters.

  • Remove 'old' directory on user, group delete and reject avatar
    Disable BuddyPress avatar history if user avatar moderation enabled

  • Always delete old directory on reject avatar fix

  • Added compatibility with BuddyPress 12.0

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.

  • Update plugin assets image for user and group
    Upload local notification as link so that on click mark clear notification

  • Update plugin header info