
18 Responses to BuddyPress Facebook Connect Plus

  • First release

  • allow users to use BuddyPress avatar or facebook profile Image
    Fix the button not appearing wp-login.php

  • Allow option to show the configuration panel if the plugin is specifically enabled for network sites(Individual network sites)

  • Change the order of process login. Hook it to init action to make it work with the S2 Member

  • Change the order of process login. Hook it to init action to make it work with the S2 Member

  • Change the order of process login. Hook it to init action to make it work with the S2 Member

  • -Fixes a type, makes facebook avatar default now

    -Update the code to allow proper translation

    -update the languages file

  • Fixed to use Oauth2.0
    Fixed Image avatar sizes
    fixed issues with some login
    removed all globals

  • #fixes the issue on wp-login.php (the problem with login)

    #Logs in automatically when a user visits the website and is logged in to facebook(if the user already authenticated the site earlier).

  • #fixes many issues

    #more options to allow importing the connections(books,movies,atheletes,likes,pages,groups,games etc)

    #uses Facebook PHP SDK

  • This is an important fix for a few bugs introduced in the the earlier release.
    The two fixes are
    #Delete account properly for facebook user
    #Fix the unwanted association of users when they do not allow email.

  • A Serious bug fix:
    Account deletion by admin bug fix when the user is logged in to site and facebook.

  • BuddyPress 1.6 Cmpatible
    Fix the issue with Wp Adminbar Logout

  • Fix for the infinite loop on home page
    Fix the BuddyPress Facebook connect+ Admin menu to make it appear in Network Admin->Settings

  • Trying to fix infinite loop

  • Update to fix the buttons not showing in chrome/IE

  • A critical security fix. Thanks to @ruddernation for pointing

  • Updated to fix empty username issue