
20 Responses to WordPress Restrict Email Domains

  • Initial release

  • Allow sitewide/per blog settings depending on whether the plugin is network active or active on individual site
    Date: April 16, 2014
    Tested with WordPress 3.9

  • Refactored and updated. Fixes various notices and follows wp coding standards

  • Updated to avoid fatal errors due to pass by reference.
    Updated translation domain
    Code refraction.

  • Fix the matching algorithm to work better. Must upgrade if you are using an older version.

  • Updated to fix the method testing for correct match.

  • Make the matching insensitive for emails. The domain entries in the settings must be lowercase.

  • Updated to add support for Paid Memberships pro.
    Also changed the zip file name. to upgrade, please delete the old one and reupload it. It will allow automatic upgrades in future.

  • Add support for WP Members plugin.

  • Added Support for WooCommerce Registration.

  • Adding compatibility with UserWP plugin registration.
    Released on: 12/30/2017
    Last tested: 05/25/2018

  • Added support for ultimate Member plugin.

  • Fix space causing invalid entries. Now the settings work even if there are spaces around the entries.

  • Added a filter to allow enabling/disabling specific integrations.

  • Added compatibility with the User Registration plugin.

  • Added support for the Easy Digital Download plugin

  • Added an action hook 'wpresed_email_domain_validation_failed' to be fired when the email validation fails. A site admin can use this hook to add custom code and get notified when a WordPress user registration fails due to email validation.

  • Added support for Login/Signup Popup plugin and refactored the code.

  • Added Support for the registration form provided by Elementor essential addon plugin.

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.