
Enhancing My Account Menu with BuddyPress in the adminbar

If you have WordPress adminbar enabled, with BuddyPress, you get a nice dropdown menu for the current logged in user. The problem with that menu is all the 3 links as shown in the image below, points to edit profile page.

adminbar--my-account-menuHans asked me on our forum on how to improve it.

Here is our goal for this tutorial:-

  • Howday, Username should link to user default page( user activity or whatever default component you have enabled)
  • The User avatar and name(marked as 2) should go to the user profile page( username/profile)
  • Edit My Profile link should remain as it is.

Well, Here is the code that you can put in your bp-custom.php or your theme's functions.php and It will work.

And if you want, you ma modify it as you want. I hope it gives you a starting point 🙂


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