• This post will help you control which values are retained for user profile data after moderation and acceptance/rejection by admin.

    Here is a screenshot showing admin option:-

    Site admin can configure […]

  • The moderated fields setting allows you to enable the profile fields which you want to be moderated. As site admin, you can mark one or more profile fields as moderated fields. After the settings update, when a […]

  • BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator plugin lets site admin decide which user roles they want to be whitelisted. The users with these roles do not need any admin approval for their profile update.

    Here is a […]

  • BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator plugin allows site admins to enable/disable user notification on approval.

    Here is a screenshot showing rge user profile approval notification settings:-

    Notify User […]

  • BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator plugin allows site admin to enable/disable user notification on the rejection of the BuddyPress xprofile data updates.

    Here is a screenshot showing the user profile rejection […]

  • This guide will help with BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator notification settings and how can you configure them.

    This plugin notifies the admin whenever there is a new user registration or any existing user […]

  • BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator plugin allows site admin to enable/disable admin notification. This plugin notifies the admin whenever there is a new account register or any existing user updates his/her […]

  • Thank you for using BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator. This guide aims to help you quickly get started with using the plugin.

    This guide will help you configure BuddyPress profile Data  Moderator general […]

  • Thank you for purchasing BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator.

    Installing with WordPress plugin installer.

    Please download the zip file from the plugin page(Or from your Account->Membership->Plugins page) […]

  • The general settings section allows you to configure the most common and important(This is subjective as the things which seem important to us may not be the same for you) settings for your form.

    Here is a […]

  • This is a user’s guideline on BuddyBlog Pro post form sections.

    Here is a list of form sections.

    Form Title
    General settings
    Core fields
    Taxonomy Settings
    Custom Fields


  • The post fields are a way to map your post form field to the core WordPress post attributes(such as title, content, featured image etc) .

    Here is a screenshot showing the list of core post […]

  • This post will guide you on how to limit or exclude categories or custom taxonomies terms from the BuddyBlog Pro posting forms.

    Prerequisite: For this documentation, you should know how to configure taxonomies […]

  • In WordPress, Taxonomies allows you to classify your content under custom terms. If you have used WordPress and added categories or tags to your post, you have already used a taxonomy. If you are interested in […]

  • Thank you for purchasing BuddyPress Profile Data Control.

    Let’s start the installation.

    Please download the zip file from the plugin page(Or from your Account->Membership->Plugins page)
    Visit […]

  • BuddyPress Activity Privacy – Installation:-

    Please download the zip file from the plugin page(Or from your Account->Membership->Plugins page)
    Visit Dashboard->Plugin->Add New
    Click on “Upload” […]

  • Anu Sharma wrote a new post on the site BuddyDev 3 years, 3 months ago

    Are you looking for a way to enable fancy user profile url like https://example.com/user-nice-name instead of the default profile url https://example.com/members/user-nice-name offered by BuddyPress? If yes, this […]

  • BuddyPress Profanity Filter allows you to filter the censored word from your community and helps you to clean your site Activities, Private messages, and Notice messages. For configuring settings please visit […]

  • Custom meta fields allow you to have extra attribute for your content. These are stored in WordPress post meta table. For more details about the post meta, please see the WordPress documentation.

    With BuddyBlog […]

  • Let’s start the BuddyPress Profanity Filter Plugin installation.

    Please download the zip file from the plugin page (Or from your Account->Membership->Plugins page)
    Visit Dashboard->Plugin->Add New
    Click […]

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