DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Yes, my initial question was for forum topic creation to which you mention create a page with slug. Maybe just my lack of proper communication.
Thanks though
DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
If I select “Slug” as the parent I still don’t get bbPress to create new topics.
DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Hi Brajesh
From your suggestions, here is what I did…
Under Pages/New I created a new page called “Slug” and it appears on my site but not under Template drop down section. Only Default Template and Blog appears there.
If I select either…
DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
I have bbPress Forums enabled and I see the Forums link when I visit my website but I do not see any option to create topics.
Under latest forum topics I see
* Newest Topics
* Most Popular Topics
* Unreplied Topics
* …
DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
I am trying to understand the limitations of CosmicBuddy as I need a Social Network for dating type service and lots of blog comments back & forth from all the members. Lots of interactions.
DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Hi Brajesh Can you explain this in lay terms for me and can your current version (rc2) handle it now?
“In current version it does not supports multilevel activity commenting”
I kind of have an idea but I am not sure.
DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Oops! Your $30.00 membership! Told you I was a dud! LOL! I’ll let you know.
DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Thanks Brajesh Singh for your commitment. You are one of the very few that seem totally dedicated to your work and very helpful to the community so I think it’s worth talking the time out to let you know. Not sure how you will make money…
DrDave became a registered member 14 years, 6 months ago
DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Maybe I am asking the wrong question as I see that your Cosmic Buddy is already a theme. How do I get the most out of tweaking it? I am trying to stay away from php/css though I can handle it but if i have to I will.
How about some child…
DrDave commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Ok so I just now downloaded and installed the new version. How to I theme it? Can I use any theme or do I have to use yours?
Not sure the steps to get a theme working with Cosmic. I hope I do not have to code to get this working if…