OK got a fix, please let me know if this is OK? http://pastebin.com/EXqUk8Kr
Thought: Does a post modifed date need to be passed into the post_data array?
Actually I see $post_data[‘ID’] = $post_id; is passing the post id into the $post_data array which gets sent to wp_insert_post() so am now not sure why the post’s creation date is being overwritten?
Hi guys, I have a bug report for Simple Front End Post but not sure where to submit it? wp_insert_post() is used when editing a post which causes the post’s creation date to be overwritten. Shouldn’t wp_update_post() be used when editing posts and wp_insert_post() be used for new posts?
Actually I see $post_data[‘ID’] = $post_id; is passing the post id into the $post_data array which gets sent to wp_insert_post() so am now not sure why the post’s creation date is being overwritten?
Thought: Does a post modifed date need to be passed into the post_data array?
Hi Henry, Sorry, I had no Idea you posted here. There is no need to pass modified date
OK got a fix, please let me know if this is OK? http://pastebin.com/EXqUk8Kr
Found a bug in BuddyBlog. On a fresh WordPress install get_the_date() returns the creation date of a post. This is the intended behaviour of the function. However, if a post is updated with BuddyBlog, […]
@sbrajesh – Adding to my last post, picking up on something you said in an earlier comment “BuddyPress does not allow removing current action” – may I ask why you can’t remove the current action? Does it have […]
Is there an example available which shows how to use custom fields with Simple Front End Post?
Hi Brajesh
I wanted to ask about pagination links.
I currently have setup this which is good:
How difficult would it be to have something like the […]
Hi Brajesh
I noticed in screenshot 1 you have “Profile Photo” under the Settings tab. I assume by this you mean change-avatar. How did you do that? To me change-avatar looks much better when listed under […]
Hi Brajesh
I noticed the reset password email contains a link which can be clicked. Once clicked a new password is generated and emailed out to the user.
Instead, after the link is clicked, could the user be […]
I’ve been looking at these settings templates for ages thinking they’re not set up properly by default. Thanks for this tip, making everything work consistently is always good!
I like the context user ID idea – will use that elsewhere too, thanks Brajesh 🙂
Apologies for all the posts on this thread, done 4 already today. Just wanted to let you know I solved the issue. I just went into the BuddyBlog code and see you already have a function to filter the BP title […]
Humm, although my filter is working for the members directory, when I change it to target buddyblog page titles it doesn’t work? any help would be appreciated 🙂
if ( bp_is_buddyblog_component() ) […]
After using your filter to stop WP SEO title generation on BP pages I’ve now come up with a way to filter the titles BP generates to make them more suited to my site Is this how you would do it? Hoping this code […]
Hi Brajesh
The meta titles generated by BP aren’t unique enough. Can we filter the titles BP generates in the same way you’ve filtered the meta description? If so, do you know the filter name I can […]
Thanks again mercime for your help over at the forum 🙂
Hi Brajesh on a different note, my bloggers have been asking how they can delete post comments via the front end. I notice there is a post delete button which they can use to delete the whole post. Is there a […]
If I ignore the error message displayed by the username availability checker and continue completing the form, I seem to be able to register with a username that has upper case letters in it.
Is this expected behaviour?
Hi Brajesh
Apologies, please close the GitHub issue, i’ve resolved the problem. Was a problem with my theme’s CSS.
Hi Henry, Sorry, I had no Idea you posted here. There is no need to pass modified date