Michael Pratt commented on the blog post Updates about BuddyDev themes Plugins and all %s
Brajesh – Good to see you settled and feeling better. You have become a welcome member of the BP community and we’re happy to have you back. Let us know how we can be of assistance.
MikeMichael Pratt commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
That helps. I will read up on the structure. I must have missed that . Thanks
Michael Pratt commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Brajesh – I think you misunderstand my question. I have my own dedicated server with plenty of horsepower. I am not worried about that. What I am worried about is poor database management by storing hundreds of thousands of files in…
Michael Pratt commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Hey Brajesh,
I forgot to ask you this a few weeks ago and I tried searching the site. My site will not become massive (it’s an alumni site with only 40,000 living grads – so we’re capped) but it won’t be hard to get to 40,000. We…Michael Pratt commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Good point, Bowe. One question: When you say “write blogs” do you really mean “write blog posts” ? And if that’s the case is it possible that that action might be taken over by some other method within the bP sphere? To me, have your…
Michael Pratt commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Bowe – interesting thoughts but remember that this plugin seems to be trying to bring on board to BP the fabulous Facebook picture social functionality. For writing blog posts, there’s still the WP image functionality. Integrating the…
Michael Pratt commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Brajesh – I am a believer in your Gallery project so I contributed by joining Premium. I look forward to installing and testing it out. It is critical for our site and, as such, I am happy/willing to test and help development.
MikeMichael Pratt became a registered member 15 years, 2 months ago