Symm2112 commented on the blog post Introducing the first stable version of Global Forums Plugin %s
I have the stable version installed and oembed but embedding doesn’t work. Any idea why?
Also, is there any way to get gallery media embedded in the posts?Symm2112 commented on the blog post BP Flickr Plugin- Allow your users to show their latest flickr images on their BuddyPress profile %s
No. Just the flickr folder goes into your theme. the way I do it is to upload the entire plugin to the plugins folder and then delete the templates folder inside it, like flickr. Then I change directory to my…
Symm2112 commented on the blog post BP Flickr Plugin- Allow your users to show their latest flickr images on their BuddyPress profile %s
Did you move the flickr folder that is in the plugin to your active theme folder? That folder contains the templates that it needs to display otherwise when you try to go to the flickr tab, it will just send you…
Symm2112 commented on the blog post Updates about BuddyDev themes Plugins and all %s
Glad to have you back Brajesh. Always take care of yourself first and hopefully now that you’re in a less stressful situation, you might feel better.
Symm2112 commented on the blog post Bp-gallery status and current snapshots %s
Hi Luis,
Brajesh has been working hard on this and has released the beta for subscribers in the private forums. He’s still improving but I’ve been able to load audio and photos so far without problems. Haven’t tried videos yet though.Chris M commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
If you check the rest of the site, he has another blog post with an update and screen shots.
He has been taking suggestions a ideas for the UI from the rest of us, which you…Chris M commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
The Quickpress plugin is really just the same as having that from the admin menu. I used posthaste and was able to use the faq’s to embed the front end to my template so that it works without having to go to any links. It’s very similar to…
Chris M commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Which beta plugin are you referring to for the publishing from a front end? I’m currently using posthaste but don’t have options for media attachments.
Chris M commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Hi Brajesh,
Any updates on the plugin? I know that you’re taking the time now to remove any bugs rather than release something that people pick apart so please don’t think that anyone is rushing you. I just wondered if you had any new ETA…Chris M commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Thanks for all the hard work. I’ve been trying to adapt the Smashing Multimedia theme for a sub blog to host videos for the fan site for a band that we’ve been working on but since I’ve been following the updates on this and I see the new…
Chris M became a registered member 15 years, 2 months ago