Dixie commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Happy Holidays I hope you enjoyed your Xmas.
Anyway I did place two widgets one welcome and a text widget and it is still that and my side widget is now under the main widget.Dixie commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
I notice something, if I just load my page, the main page would load and show add widget. That is before I sign in. anyway to allow the admin see that?
Dixie commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
I have sign up for the 3 months membership, I would like to download this for my site. Where do I go to?
By the way, would you adding features to allow video upload like this one @
http://wpveda.com/buddypress-kaltura-media-component/Dixie commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Thanks for working so hard for us, I have mention to you that I prefer to you simple press rather that bbpress for my forum. So is there anyway to integrate the group from simple press. I thought it would be a cool feature.
Dixie commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
There was mention about comicbuddy pro. What is the difference in the two, is pro a premium theme? Would we be able to access the theme soon?
Dixie became a registered member 15 years, 3 months ago