The BuddyPress Limit Members Per Groupplugin gives you the flexibility to set the limit for allowed number of members for all groups on your Site or just for individual groups.
- Allows you to Limit the Membership globally(for all the groups)
- Allows Site admins to give the group admins capability to override global settings ( If allowed in admin, it can be turned off for individual group)
What it does:-
- Limit BuddyPress Group joining for public groups
- Limit Request Invite/Joining for Private BuddyPress Groups
- Limit the acceptance of group membership requests by member(if a group reaches its specified limits)
Admin Settings:- Under BuddyPress->settings you will see the options like this You can set a global limit, the error message and also allow/deny group admins to override settings there.
Group Settings:- If the override is allowed, here is what a group admin will see:- A group admin can set his/her own limits and also turn off the limit if they want.
Now, we will see some of the examples on how it works:-
Here is a screenshot from directory pages:- That is the message shown to the user when they try to join a group which has reached its limit. If the user tries to join from Single Group page, here is what they see:-
For private group request membership:-
And if the user got an invitation for a group but before he/she could join, if the group reaches the limit, here is what he/she will see.