BuddyPress Moderation Tools
Feature Rich
It is the most complete plugin with enterprise level features like email workflow, moderation categories, historic moderation log etc.
Easy to Use
Works beautifully out of the box. Easily allow your members or visitors to assist with your BuddyPress Community Moderation.
High Quality Code
Comes with excellent code for long term resilient usage.
Great Support
We are here to help. Let us know in our forums and we will promptly assist you.

- Version: 1.5.2
- Author: BuddyDev
- Compatible with: BuddyPress 8.0+
- Tested Upto: BuddyPress 12.2.0
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 20 February, 2024
Keep your Community safe and meaningful.
With BuddyPress Report Abuse & Moderation features.
- Let your members assist you in making a better community.
- Keep your community safe and orderly.
- Community Moderation gives your community a sense of authenticity and tools against the trolls.
- BuddyPress Moderation Menu
- BuddyPress Report Abuse Form
- BuddyPress Moderation Queue
Enterprise level workflow features.
- Configurable admin email notifications on reported content.
- Configurable admin email notifications on content hiding.
- Configurable user email on their content hiding.
- Configurable user email on their content restoration.
- Configurable user email on their content deletion.
- Option to keep log/history of all the moderation activities(including the decision on content and who restored,deleted etc).
Easy to use comprehensive admin panel.
Moderation Queue
View all reported items. Filter by hidden or non hidden state. Filter by reported content content type.
One click actions
View all reports for the item, delete reports, restore item, delete item, overview of the item and related reporting activities all in one click.
Historic Log
Need to keep record? You can configure to keep a record of all the moderation activities.
Create moderation/report abuse categories. Let your reports be categorized.
Take control of the report form.
- You can Configure which form fields should be shown.
- You can configure which form fields are required.
- You can configure who can see the report button and who can report.
Moderate users.
- Enable/Disable moderation/report abuse for users.
- Hide users on reaching threshold.
- Optionally, Automatic logout and block login on reaching threshold.
- Limit user capabilities(if not blocked from login), restrict from posting updates, replies, messages.
- Show notices.
- Email workflow for the blocked user/admin on report, hiding, restoration and account deletion.
Powerful BuddyPress Activity and Comment/Reply moderation.
- Enable/Disable moderation/report abuse for BuddyPress Activity or Activity Reply.
- Enable/Disable auto moderation for BuddyPress activity or activity comment. If enabled, All new activities and comments will be held in moderation and will need admin approval to be published.
- Hide activity, replies on reaching threshold.
- Hide activity, comments from reporters.
- Email workflow for the user who posted hidden activity and site admin on report, hiding, restoration and activity deletion.
- Email workflow for the user who posted hidden comment and site admin on report, hiding, restoration and comment deletion.
Useful BuddyPress Group moderation.
- Enable/Disable moderation/report abuse for BuddyPress Groups.
- Hide groups on reaching threshold.
- Hide groups from reporters.
- Email workflow for notifying site admins when a group is reported or gets hidden.
- Email workflow for notifying group admins when a group is hidden, restored or deleted.
Buy Now & Enhance your site instantly.
Includes 1 Year updates & professional support. More info
Frequently Asked Questions.
What is BuddyPress Moderation Tools?
A set of tools that helps with BuddyPress Community Moderation. If you are looking for Report Abuse for BuddyPress, It is the most suitable plugin for you.
Can I limit who can report?
Yes, Out of the box, it allows you to let either site members or site members and visitors both report.Optionally, You may also specify user roles who can report.
What can be reported?
At the moment, following actions are supported:-
- BuddyPress user report abuse and moderation
- BuddyPress group report abuse and moderation
- BuddyPress Activity/Replies report abuse and moderation
- WordPress Posts(including custom post types).
- bbPress forum topics & BuddyPress Group Forum topics.
- bbPress forum replies and BuddyPress Group forum replies.
- more coming in next release…
Can I add new types?
Yes, you can register new content types as reportable content type if you are a developer. A content can be registered as reportable if it can be uniquely identified by its type and id.
Does it support auto moderation?
Yes, It does support auto moderation for BuddyPress Activity and activity comments. If enabled, all new activities and comments will be held in moderation and only admin's approval will make them visible.
Does it support whitelisting users?
Yes, It does support white listing users. You can select one or more roles to white list them.
Does it support suspending users?
Yes, It does support suspending users by site admins. You can suspend, restore and apply restrictions on suspended accounts.
Does it allow users to block other users?
Yes, It does. When you purchase BuddyPress Moderation tools, you get free access to our BuddyPress Block Users plugin. BuddyPress Block Users let admins configure the user blocking/unblocking behaviour on BuddyPress sites.
How do I keep a log of moderation?
Please visit Dashboard->Moderation->Settings->General and enable/disable it.
Can I create report categories?
Yes, You can do it from the Moderation->Categories menu.
What if I need more features?
You can hire our team to assist you.