

You can access the moderation settings page by clicking on Dashboard->Moderation->settings menu as shown below.

The moderation settings page consists of one or more panels based on the currently enabled reportable types.

A panel can be accessed by clicking on the tab as shown below.



When all the reportable types are enabled, you will see following panels

  • General:– Used for general settings(enable/disable reportable type, control form fields, validations etc)
  • Miscellaneous:- Used for devoting moderation capability to user role.
  • Suspend:– If you enable this option it allows the admin to suspend users.
  • User:- Moderation settings for user
  • Posts:- Moderation settings for Posts
  • Activity:- Moderation settings for activity.
  • Activity Comment:- Moderation settings for Activity Reply
  • Groups:- Moderation settings for BuddyPress Groups.
  • Comments(upcoming):- Moderation settings for comments

Demo for how to configure BuddyPress Moderation Tools settings

Next:- General settings