
Disable Site Delete

Disable Site plugin is a quick hack for WordPress Multisite Network.

The goal of this plugin is:-

  • Allow only Network administrators to delete any site(blog) on a multisite network
  • Do not allow blog(site) admins(owners) to delete their blog/site

There does exist a plugin by Ryan Hellyer(http://wordpress.org/plugins/delete-delete-site) which removes the delete link from tools menu for non network admins. the problem is, that plugin does not remove the capability to delete the blog completely. Just hides the link.

The Disable site delete plugin removes the capability of any non network admin to delete a site. So, even if some code tries to delete blog programatically, they won't be able to delete(If they use standard multisite delete function wpmu_delete_blog).


Site Delete Menu:-

After Activating this plugin network wide, that menu will be gone like this

and incase a user manages to reach their, he/she will see a message like this

This plugin does not prevent network admins from deleting any blog.

Release History

  • Version: 1.0

    Wednesday, 05 June, 2013
    • Tested With: WordPress Multisite 4.7.5
    • Compatible With: WordPress Multisite 3.0+

    Initial release