

Thanks for downloading Global Forum Plugin. 


1. bbpress:- You can install bbpress by visiting Dashboard->BuddyPress->Forums setup, if you do not want to allow forums with group, just disable bbpress after installation using wp-admin->BuddyPress->Component Setup


  1. Unzip the global-forum-1.0.zip
  2. Upload the global-forum to wp-content/plugins directory
  3. upload the "gf" directory from global-forums to your current active theme.
  4. Login to wordpress backend and Activate the Global Forum plugin from Plugins->Installed
  5. Check your site. You should see a top navigation link Global forums, if not, visit yoursite.com/siteforums
  6. Want to customize the slug, put a line in bp-custom.php define('GF_SLUG','your-custom-slug');
  7. Now visit the admin of the plugin and create forums
  8. Congrats, You are done.


If you want to upgrade from older version to version 1.0, please follow the following steps:-

  1. Unzip the global-forum-1.0.zip
  2. Upload the global-forum to wp-content/plugins directory by overwriting the older version of "global-forum"
  3. If you have made changes to the global forum theme backup it.
  4. upload the "gf" directory from global-forums to your current active theme.
  5. That's it.


To change the link title from Site Forums to anything else, put following line in your bp-custom.php

[sourcecode language="php"]

<?php define('GF_LINK_TITLE',"what ever title you want");?>


To change the Link slug from "siteforums" to anything else

[sourcecode language="php"]

<?php define('GF_SLUG',"your-slug");?>


To enable disable posting to activity stream, visit  Site Forum->Admin->settings.