BuddyPress Recent Profile Visitors Plugin shows the most recent profile visitors on a user profile as well as the most popular users on a BuddyPress site.
If you are looking for:-
- Allowing users to see who visited their profile recently on BuddyPress social network
- And/or Listing the most popular users on your BuddyPress site
Then the BuddyPress Recent Profile visitors is the most suitable solution.
- The plugin records users who viewed profiles recently
- Based on your settings, a user can see who viewed their profile
- You can show the most popular users on your site over a period of time. For example, you can list top 10 users on your BuddyPress site over last 30 days(or 7 days etc)
- You can also turn on/off the plugin(using code) for users based on roles. For example, you may charge users (Using any of the subscription plugin) and based on their status, you can use a small snnipet of code to show/hide the recent visitors.
- The plugin comes with widget for most popular BuddyPress users as well as shortcodes for listing the most popular users on BuddyPress site, recently visiting user for a given user(or logged in)
- The plugin also lists the most recent visitors of a user on his profile, in the members directory( a new tab) and if enabled, with a new component on profile(where user can see who visited them in last 7 days, 30 days and all time).
- All the plugin features can be turned off easily(Please see the bottom of this page)
The profile visiting recording can be turned on/turned off by a user. It is also possible to exclude users belonging to some roles from recording. The whole feature can be turned on/off based on roles( please see code example section). The recent visitors can also be enabled as a tab and a shortcode is also available to display the recent visitors list anywhere.
- Recent visitors in members directory
- BuddyPress rrecent visitors in header
- BuddyPress Most popular users as slide
- BuddyPress Most Popular users as list
- BuddyPress Most Popular users as list with count
- BuddyPress Most visited widget options
- BuddyPress Recent visitors Component
- BuddyPress recent Visitors Preference
- BuddyPress recent Visitors notification settings
When the profile visit is turned off, It will not show the user who visited their profile. The visits display must be mutual, if a user want to see who visited their profile, they should keep the settings on. Once the user turns the settings off, It will not record any data for them. As a site admin, you can override this behaviour.
1. Download the plugin
2. Unzip recent-visitors-for-buddypress-profile-xyz.zip
3. Upload recent-visitors-for-buddypress-profile to wp-content/plugins
4. Go to Dashboard->Plugins->Installed and activate "BuddyPress Recent Profile Visitors"
5. Let the plugin do its magic.
Alternatively, you can use wp-admin->Plugins->Add New, click on the upload tab and browse this zip file, upload and click activate, you are done.
We suggest using BuddyDev Dashboard plugin to allow automatic upgrade.
Using the Most Visited Users widget:-
Please visit Appearance->Widget and Add the "Most Visited Users" widget to your desired widget area.
The widget provides following options:-
You can select the view to be slider or the default list. View count can be shown beside the users.
Using Shortcode:-
The plugin provides two shortcodes
- [bp-visitors-most-visited-users] to list most visited/popular users.
- [bp-visitors-recent-visitors] to list the recent visitors to a specific user.
Showing most popular users using the shortcode:-
You can use the [bp-visitors-most-visited-users] shortcode to show the most popular users on your site. The shortcode provides following options:-
- view:- 'slide' or 'list'
- max:- int, how many entries at most to show.
- duration:- int, for how many days
- show_visits:- 1 or 0, do you want to show the view count for the profiles.
Example:- Show the most popular users for the last 7 days in slide view.
[bp-visitors-most-visited-users view="slide" max="5" duration="7" show_visits="0"]
Showing recent visitors using shortcode:-
You can use the shortcode [bp-visitors-recent-visitors] to show the list of recent visitors. By default, It shows 5 recent visitors of the logged in user. The shortcode provides following options:-
- user :- It can be username (like sbrajesh, or email like someone@example.org or user Id). If this user exists, It will list the visitors of this user. By default, It is set to current logged in user.
- max:- It is the maximum no. of visitors to show. default is 5.
- duration:- You can set the maximum no. of days to take in account. default is set to 0. It means all time. You can set it to 7 to show the recent visitors in last 7 days.
[bp-visitors-recent-visitors user=sbrajesh max=20 duration=7]
The above shortcode will display 20 most recent visitors in the last 7 days for the user sbrajesh.
Modifying the plugin settings:-
With version 1.5.0 and above, you do not need to touch any code. Please use the admin panel. If you are upgrading from an older version to 1.5.0 and have used the custom code earlier, we suggest removing the custom code for better experience with the admin panel.
You can filter on 'bp_visitors_settings' to modify the settings(Only use if you are using an older version, we will remove the filter or rename it in 1.5.1).
Here is an example to show 10 recent visitors in the list.
add_filter( 'bp_visitors_settings', 'devb_custom_settings_for_recent_visitors' ); /** * Filter Settings * * @param mixed $settings * @return array */ function devb_custom_settings_for_recent_visitors( $settings ) { /** * Settings is an associative array and has following values * See Exampel of allowed settings in the commented section below */ /* $default = array( //no. of visitors to display 'max_display' => 5, //0 means all time, 7 means 7 days, 30 means 30 days 'duration' => 0, //show the recent visitor as component? 'add_screen' => false, //true then displays in member header, false means does not display in member header 'show_in_header' => true, // true then show the Recent visitors tab in Members Directory screen for logged in users, false means no tab in directory. 'show_in_directory' => true, //should we enable local notification for user setting? 'notification_local' => false, //should we enable settings for the receiving the notification by email? 'notification_by_email' => false, //by default local notification is disabled, set it to 'yes' for it being enabled for the user 'notify_visitors_locally' => 'no', // By default disable the receiving notification by email settings for user, set it to 'yes' 'notify_visitors_by_email' => 'no', //what should be the default user avatar size 'default_avatar_size' => 32, //should the user be able to st their own preference in profile->settings screen? 'allow_user_settings' => true, // Never record visits by users belonging to these roles 'recording_roles_excluded' => array(), // disable the plugin feature for these roles // These user's won't be able to see their own visitors 'roles_excluded' => array(), // array('subscriber', 'contributor') // Recording policy. Should we record when both the users have it enabled ot not. // 'always'= For recording visit of the user_id, do not check whether they have it enabled or not. // 'mutual'= only record if enabled by the visitor, 'recording_policy' => 'mutual', ); */ // Selectively update one or more settigs $settings['max_display'] = 10; //sow 10 visitors return $settings; }
Most of the BuddyPress theme will automatically display the recent visitors using the action hook "bp_after_member_header", If your theme does not display it( make sure someone has visited your profile before the conclusion) you can always call
It will list the most recent 5 visitors.
Code snippets:-
Some example codes:-
$total_unique_visitors = visitors_get_unique_visitors_count( $user_id );//if you do not provide user id, it will show that for displayed user //this returns total profile visits, which includes multiple visits by same user $total_profile_visit = visitors_get_profile_visit_count( $user_id ); //Get the $n most recent visitor of $user_id $users = visitors_get_recent_visitors( get_current_user_id(), $count = 5 ); //above line returns an array of visitor object
BuddyBoss Notes:-
The plugin settings 'Enable local notification?' and 'Email Notification?' will no longer supported in BuddyBoss version greater than '1.9.3'. These settings now available in BuddyBoss > Settings > Notification > Notification Types > Recent Visitors