
WordPress Widgets Shortcode

WordPress Widgets Shortcode plugin is working on WordPress 4.1

WordPress Widgets Shortcode enables you to embed any widget area(or dynamic sidebars)  in your posts/pages anywhere using simple shortcode.

Here is the syntax

[dynamic-sidebar id='Name of your WidgetArea/Dynamic Sidebar']


Choose any widget area and copy the name. You just need the name of the widget area/dynamic sidebar as shown below

Insert the shortcode in post and put the name as id in the shortcode as shown below

Check it out

So, all you need to know is the name of the widget area and boom!

Bonus: If your theme has limited no. of widget areas, you can use a plugin to generate as many widget areas as you want. Here is a list of sidebar generators http://wordpress.org/plugins/search.php?q=sidebar+generator

Release History

  • Version: 1.0.3

    Monday, 05 June, 2017
    • Tested With: WordPress 4.7.5
    • Compatible With: WordPress 2.5+

    1. Code cleanup
    2. Fix the issue is_active_sidebar not recognizing the sidebar by name
    3. Use trim function to remove any space in the name of the widget area

  • Version: 1.0

    Sunday, 08 February, 2015
    • Tested With: WordPress 4.1
    • Compatible With: WordPress 2.5+

    Initial Release