

by bphelp

Permalink: #307

Don't display search form for logged out visitors

// This example shows you how not to display the search form for logged out
// visitors using the bp-default theme. It uses a combination of php and CSS. Adjust it accordingly

                    form#search-form {
                            display: none;


by bphelp

Permalink: #288

Display new topic button for moderators only

// I was asked how to accomplish this and though it may not be the most effective way it worked for me
// so I am sharing it with you
function bphelp_hide_new_topic_button() {
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_others_topics' ) ) {
        <style type="text/css">
            a#new-topic-button {
                display: none !important;

add_action ('bp_head', 'bphelp_hide_new_topic_button');

#new topic button

by bphelp

Permalink: #243

A few dynamic link examples

//These links can be added to your child themes template files and styled accordingly
//I wrap these in a if statement to only display to logged in users
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
<a href="<?php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain(); ?>">Profile</a>//link to users profile
<a href="<?php global $current_user; echo home_url() . '/members/' . $current_user->user_login . '/friends/'; ?>">Friends</a>//link to users friends 
<a href="<?php global $current_user; echo home_url() . '/members/' . $current_user->user_login . '/messages/'; ?>">Messages</a>//link to users messages

#dynamic links

by Brajesh Singh

Permalink: #230

BuddyBlog change settings example to post to single category and some more

add_filter('buddyblog_post_form_settings', 'buddyblog_custom_form_settings');
function buddyblog_custom_form_settings( $settings ){

    unset( $settings['upload_count'] );
    unset( $settings['tax'][ 'post_tag'] );//no need to show posts tag

    $category = get_category_by_slug( 'blog' );

    $settings['tax']['category']['include'] = array( 0 => $category->term_id );

  return $settings;  

@buddyblog #buddypress #buddyblog

by Brajesh Singh

Permalink: #221

BuddyBlog Redirect to single post on new post creation or post update

//redirect to single post on save/update //in future, I will add two different options for new post/update post add_action( 'bsfep_post_saved', 'buddyblog_redirect_on_post' ); function buddyblog_redirect_on_post( $post_id ){ $post = get_post( $post_id ); $post_type = get_post_type( $post ); $post_type_details = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); $message = sprintf( __( '%s Saved as %s successfully.', 'bsfep' ), $post_type_details->labels->singular_name, get_post_status( $post_id ) ); bp_core_add_message( $message ); bp_core_redirect( get_permalink( $post_id ) ); }

@buddyblog #buddypress #buddyblog

by Brajesh Singh

Permalink: #212

Show Posts from a perticular category only on user profile, other should link to the main site when using BuddyBlog

add_filter( 'buddyblog_show_posts_on_profile', 'buddyblog_custom_permalinks_filter', 10, 2 );
function buddyblog_custom_permalinks_filter( $do_filter, $post ){

    $category = get_category_by_slug( 'blog' );

    $post_categories = get_the_category( $post->ID );

    $post_cat_ids = wp_list_pluck( $post_categories, 'term_id' );
    //if it is in blog category, show on profile
    if( in_array( $category->term_id, $post_cat_ids ) )
            return true;

    return $do_filter;


#buddypress #buddyblog @buddyblog

by Brajesh Singh

Permalink: #190

Remove Friendship Button on User Profile(removes add/remove/Cancel Friendship button from user profile)

//remove friendship button oon Single User profile
function bp_custom_remove_friendship_btn_on_profile(){

    if ( has_action( 'bp_member_header_actions', 'bp_add_friend_button' ) ) {
            remove_action( 'bp_member_header_actions', 'bp_add_friend_button', 5 );



#buddypress #friends #bp-hacks

by Brajesh Singh

Permalink: #182

Hide Friends of a User from Other users. Only Site Admin and the User can see his/her Friends

 * Hide User Friends from Other Users
 * Only Admin or the user himself can see friends

function bpdev_custom_hide_friends_if_not_self(){
    if( bp_is_my_profile() || is_super_admin() )
        return ;

    bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'friends' );


You can put the above code in bp-custom.php

#buddypress #friends #bp-hack

by Brajesh Singh

Permalink: #170

Remove Activity Link(Permalink) from Activity time since on Activity Lists

/** * Remove permalink link from time since on activity list */ add_filter( 'bp_activity_permalink', 'bpdev_custom_rtemove_perlink_from_timesince',10,2 ); function bpdev_custom_rtemove_perlink_from_timesince( $time_since, $activity ){ $action = $activity-&gt;action ; $time_since = '<span class="time-since">' . bp_core_time_since( $activity-&gt;date_recorded ) . '</span>'; $content = sprintf( '%1$s %2$s', $action, $time_since ); return $content; }

You can put the above code in your theme's functions.php or bp-custom.php in plugins directory

#buddypress #activity #bp-hack

by Brajesh Singh

Permalink: #66

Custom Facebook Login/registration Button with BuddyPress Facebook Connect Plugin

The code below allows you to use your own custom login/registration button with facebook connect plus plugin

Please put the following code in your functions.php or bp-custom.php

    function bpdev_custom_fb_login_button( $btn_label = '' ){
        echo bpdev_custom_get_fb_login_button( $btn_label );

    function  bpdev_custom_get_fb_login_button( $btn_label = '' ){

        $fb = BPDevFacebook::get_instance();
        //if user is already logged in, do not show the button
        if( $fb->get_current_user_id() || is_user_logged_in() || !bp_get_signup_allowed() )

        $helper = BPDevFBUserSettings::get_instance();

         $permissions = $helper->get_permissions();
            //pass a label for chaning the login text
         return "<div class='fb-login-button' data-scope='".$permissions."'><a href='#'>".$label."</a></div>";//so incase the custom text is given


You will Need to call/show the button using

<?php bpdev_custom_fb_login_button('Login Please');?>

To make this button work, we will need to add following javascript code

//bind facebook login button click
jq('body').on('click','.fb-login-button a', function(){

   var fb_scope=jq(this).parent().attr('data-scope');
    FB.login(function (response) {
       if (response.status == "connected") {
                  //alert('We are debugging our app. Please be patient...');
       else {
           //console.log("Error" + response);
    }, {scope: fb_scope}); 
    return false;

You can put that js code in your theme's js file

Once you are done with that you can use following css classes to change the image etc.

div.fb-login-button a{
div.fb-login-button a:hover{


Hope that helps.

#buddypress, #fb-connect-plus, #custom, #plugins