I am using buddypress with avada theme, and have installed the facebook-like activity feed plugin.
In the main tab of the activity feed, the dropdown that filters by activity type (Everything/Updates/Frienships/New Groups, etc) does not seem to be working.Selecting the ‘Updates’ or any element from the dropdown just returns the same feed with all updates. In the ‘personal’ activity tab, the filter appears to work fine. Is this a known issue? Can it be fixed?
Thank you for reporting.I have got similar report from another member about sitewide activity and sweetdate theme. Please allow me to check it today.
It is most probably a bug, I will need 2 days to put an update.
Thank you
We have updated the plugin. Please download the latest version of plugin. Please do let me know if works or not. You can download the plugin form the following url:
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