Hi. I’m looking for a way to pre-populate the content of buddypress private messages. Ideally, this would look like certain users having the ability to select from 2-3 different “frequently used messages” when composing a message to another user. I’m thinking the best way to go about it is to modify the code provided here: https://buddydev.com/buddypress-send-private-message-button-shortcode/ to add content to the message area. If I can then replicate this for each template desired, such that a separate short code exists for each message, the user could then click on “the button” of the message they would like to send.
I need help identifying what code to add to allow the pre-populated content to be displayed.Hi,
Thank you for the question.Which theme and template pack are you using?
BP Nouveau will not support this feature as the last time I checked it was not checking query parameters for subject.
If you can tell us the theme/template pack, we can test if that is feasible.
BrajeshThanks Brajesh–
I’m using the Buddypress Legacy template pack with a pretty old wordpress theme that I customized years ago and make minor adjustments annually.Hi,
There is no simple way around.You can filter on ‘bp_get_messages_content_value’ and perhaps create a link with the content in the url but this is going to be a problematic.
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