

a few questions about mediapress and buddypress

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  • Participant
    Jap on #49341


    Thanks for this awesome plugin. I have a few issues and I am looking for some advice!

    1) When I activate add media via url and activate oembed. But deactivate the upload files. Then on the activity stream of buddypress it is showing the picture and video button, but i cannot click them to add an url. How can i add url then?

    2) When I activate add media via link and also activate upload files i can open the dialog on the buddypress activity wall by clicking the picture or the video image. There i can add the url but, when i click on ADD, it automaticly places an X after the domain. So http://www.egocentralis.nl will become http://www.egocentralis.nlx . And then it is not working. How can i get rid off the x?

    3) Issue 2 is also happening in the gallery in the buddypress profile

    4) The maximum upload size is showing as 256 mb a picture. Where can i give another maximum mb to this? I think this is about my php settings but it should be nice if i can only change this for the plugin mediapress.

    5) I can imagine that when a lot of user using the upload function the website needs a lot of storage space for all of this media. How can i take care this media will stored on another server or place?

    Thanks in advantage and sorry for my bad English.

    Regards Jap

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #49344

    Hi Jap,
    Welcome to BuddyDev.

    1. It seems to be a css conflict. Which theme/template pack are you using?

    2/3. The ‘x’ allows you to delete the content. If the media is not visible, probably the url you are adding does not provide photo/video embed type.

    4. Please see this to change php maximum upload size. This is a server level configuration. MediaPress can restrict below it but not above it.

    5. You may use an offloading solution for WordPress to achieve it.


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