

Ajax Registration plugin

  • Participant
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    John Hollingsworth on #965

    I just installed the Ajax Registration plugin. Unfortunately, when I am logged out, my site fails to display the home slider and some of the page images / layout is disrupted , and returns back to normal after logged in again. Also if this issue is fixed, can you please advise how to open this nice registration page from my default registration page please? Thank you.

    John Hollingsworth


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #966

    Hi John,
    Just checked your site. Disable Conditional profile field plugin, It is throwing javascript error causing issue.
    Also, which captcha plugin you are using , It does not seem to work on the register modal. Please visit Settings->BuddyPress->Settings and disable “Ajax loading ” of the registration page. Then check, if that works or not?

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    John Hollingsworth on #992

    Thank you Brajesh. You are truly a awesome developer, it loads now and the capcha is there again. Two problems solved. Regarding the cool registration form. It is a pop-up, not a page, so how do I direct people to this pop on my “join us today” button please? Currently it is set to open the registration page.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #994

    Hi John,
    Thank you for the kind words.

    It is very easy to enable popup on any link.If you can add a class to the link, please add this class ‘bp-ajaxr’ and It will automatically make the link use ajax form. Also, if you can not edit the link(generated by some other code), in that case, you can add the class ‘bp-signup’ to the link parent and that will work too.

    hope that helps. Please do let me know if that works for you or not?

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    John Hollingsworth on #1002

    Yep. Perfect. Worked like a dream. Thank you again for your great help! Awesome.

  • Participant
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    John Hollingsworth on #1003

    Hi again.
    This was sorted by adding the bp-ajaxr from the main register button on my home page, many thanks. Now to enable the default sign up button (which goes to a create my account pop up page) to go to the ajax form, I added “bp-signup” class to the parent link, but didnt work. I dont know if I added it correctly in the code below (forgive my lack of experience):

    <form id=”register_form” action=”<?php if (function_exists(‘bp_is_active’)) bp_signup_page(); else echo get_bloginfo(‘url’).”/wp-login.php?action=register”; ?>” name=”register_form” method=”post” class=”bp-signup”>
    <div class=”six columns”>
    <input type=”text” id=”reg-username” name=”signup_username” class=”inputbox” required placeholder=”<?php _e(“Username”, ‘kleo_framework’);?>”>

    Please advise. Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #1004

    Hi John,
    You should use anchor element as the trigger target and not the submit button. Please gie it a try.

  • Participant
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    John Hollingsworth on #1006

    Thank you Brajesh for the prompt reply. Forgive my ignorance, I am only classed as a beginner in this whole area of coding, as I am a CSS/ HTML designer. i am afraid i need things to be spelt out at this stage. Please can you tell me where and what is the anchor element?
    Thanks you again.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #1011

    Hi Joh,
    My apologies for not being clear.

    By anchor element I mean that we can use the links instead of the form element like

    <a href='anything' class='bp-ajaxr'>Register</a>

    Is there any issue in using it instead.

  • Participant
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    Posts: 16
    John Hollingsworth on #1014

    Hi Brajesh.
    I discovered it is a theme issue. The link on the home page to the registration page works well with the class bp-ajaxr, when assigned to the href tag. However my Sweetdate theme has a sign up button on every page on the top right, which opens another pop up modal page to create an account. You type a username, password etc, then click The “create my account” button, which goes to the registration page (remembering the user name and password I just created). This button is not surrounded by an href tag, but is part of a php loop that calls the registration page from the wp-log in file, I think – I couldnt find an href tag anywhere for this. for now I did a work around by putting the href tag around the “create my account” button to force open the registration page with the class=”bp-ajaxr” tag inside it. This opens the new ajax form well, but doesnt remember the user name/ password I just typed. Is there a simple solution to this? Or is this not possible please?

    John Hollingsworth

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