

Any way to migrate media from rtMedia to MediaPress?

  • Participant
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    Vanessa Law on #21630

    We have a legacy rtMedia system with many many photos, and are exploring whether we can move to MediaPress. Ideally we’d like a wordpress command line command to migrate and create media press galleries for all of the photos members had uploaded in rtMedia.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #21633

    Hi Vanessa,

    Thank you for the question.

    At the moment, we don’t have the option for importing from RTmedia.

    MediaPress does have built in API for importing WordPress Attachments or any local/remote file as gallery media

    Writing a file importer should not be a difficult task(for someone who understands RT Media data structure), keeping the activity from the RT media is something we are unsure of(It will need a lot more time to understand their association).

    RT Media supports both media and album and I am not sure if they support nested albums too. I and my team currently lacks much familiarity with it to put an importer.

    It is on our wishlist but a bit low on priority(Before we write an importer, we will need to understand their schema and a few more things).

    I am not sure if we can help you with it currently. I am sorry about this.

  • Participant
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    Vanessa Law on #21635

    No worries, thanks for getting back to me. It’s not an urgent item from our side right now.
    The specific intent was to ensure that albums carry over to albums correctly, we hadn’t considered activity.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #21643

    Thank you.
    We will look into it in next few months for future.


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    theodor Snarum on #25195
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