Tagged: autofriendship
We’ve just purchased Auto Friendship Pro, but no connection between users is made when conditions are set in the friend list. We’ve tried multiple conditions: role, username, name – none make a successful connection. When no conditions are set, the connection is made successfully.
Please can you advise? We require users to auto connect by role.
Many thanks
Thank you for purchasing from us.1. Are you using BuddyPress or BuddyBoss?
2. How is the registration happening? Is it via BuddyPress Registration page or admin dashboard or you are using another method?Please let me know and I will assist.
BrajeshHi Cofud ,
Thank you for letting me know. The problem seems to be the registration with MemberPress. We can enable role based friendship on it but any rule with other profile field won’t work(the fields are not available when users do not register via BuddyBoss default registration page).Please allow me to get back to you with a solution for the MemmberPress and role based friendship in next 24 hours.
Thank you for the patience.1. Do you have the option “User Registration” enabled in the settings “Auto Friendship on”
2. Is there any chance you are using MemberPress to assign different roles on registration based on membership?If you are using MemberPress to assign role, we will need to trigger the change on role change as well. Otherwise, just enabling the above condition will work.
BrajeshThank you.
I will be releasing an update in couple of hours(or early tomorrow) to provide role change as an option in the settings.
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