I think we have the same issue with badges. I assigned a test badge to the Member Type, which you can see on the same links above. Thanks 🙂
Hi Mike,
Yes, you are right about badges. It is not network compatible(we will push a in next 2 days) with network support. All we will need to do is use baseprefix on our tables and it will work. It’s an easier fix.Regards
I think we also need a button to remove image from badges when necessary. or is it intended to just make the badge inactive?
Best wishes,
MikeHi Mike,
We already have an option to remove uploaded image(just below the image).To disable a badge from being visible, even if it is assigned to users, either delete the badge or mark it inactive.
BrajeshHi Brajesh,
Badges are working well after the update thanks.
Under the Custom badges there’s a button to remove the badge image. Under Roles and Member Types there’s no ‘Remove’ button. I only noticed because I wanted to replace a badge image with another one having the same name. Because I couldn’t remove the image (I think), the caches were not updating, so I was replacing the image and the old image remained on some pages. It will update in due course, or I’ll use a new image with a new name.
I only mention it in case the ‘Remove’ buttons are supposed to be there. Not a problem.
Best wishes,
Mike- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by
Mike (DesignServe).
- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by
Hi Mike,
Thank you for the feedback.1. You are right, There is no button for removal under predefined badges(roles). We will add that it in next release.
For now, Please use the “Upload Image” button to assign new badge to it. It will work.(Please check if it saved).
2. The cover image will be available tomorrow.
3. For badge multisite compatibility(multi network active or multi blog mode) we are facing some issue. The roles are specific to a site and not the network. How do we handle roles badge on a site? Do we use the badge from the main site or we allow uploading on each site?
Please let me know your thought.
Thank you
Thanks very much.
Regarding 3, Roles and Roles Badges:
I’m coming from a system where the Roles are maintained for each user, throughout the ‘network’, so I have found it to be confusing. What would be perfect for me is for the Roles to always be the same for each site in the network. I know that not every Superadmin/Keymaster would want that, so, perfection for me would be to have an option in the network dashboard settings for Roles to be the same across the network for all users. This could be left unchecked for Superadmins who did not want that, because there are many use-cases out there. It would also need a routine to re-synchronise, if the Superadmin changed the setting.
I thought I had this nailed by another method. This was my plan. I have a plugin called WordPress Multisite User Sync. It allows bulk sync of Roles. I planned for users to register and receive the Member Type “Community Member”. This has a Roles to member type association, using your plugin, to make the user a Subscriber, and they will also become a Participant. WordPress Multisite User Sync, propagates those settings (and any role settings) from the main website to the sub-sites for each signup.
However, my logic is flawed. It will only work if the user signs up on the main site (I think). The plugin can only sync from main site to sub-sites OR from sub-sites to main site. So, I’m still struggling to get what I need at the moment. I’m paying a lot of thought to it.
Back to the topic of badges. I would want the Role badges to be derived only from the main site. However, I understand that wouldn’t suit every Superadmin. I have no Admins on my sub-sites because I control them myself, so I wouldn’t say I’m a typical case.
Taking all of that into account, my suggestion for a strong badges plugin that suits everyone is to allow the Superadmin to decide whether Role Badges should come from the main site or from sub-sites. However, that may be a lot of work for you.
When we initially discussed badges, I wasn’t expecting Role-based badges. They were not a high priority for me because you have enabled the ability to associate a Member Type with a Role. I didn’t realise that Roles would be different in each sub-site, and that is what has caused my main confusion with multisite-multiblog. I had no idea that each sub-site would have its own Roles.
My apologies, I am rambling a bit because I have been thinking through these topics over and over. If I think of an idea that is more clear I’ll let you know.
Best wishes,
MikeThank you for you suggestions Mike.
I believe your suggestion for the global use is nice. Initially, we are going with it. In later releases, we will add support for individual site role(it will need scoping by blog id, not much).
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