

BP Anonymous Activity plugin for Buddyboss App

  • Participant
    Eric on #39518

    I have the BuddyBoss platform and the BP Anonymous activity plugin works great on the wordpress site. They launched their react-native app plugin which works seamlessly with BB platform, but Anonymous Activity does not transfer well. It changes the name of the posting user to “Anonymous” but keeps their profile picture, and is clickable to redirect to their profile, making it obsolete.

    I’ve already contacted BB support but wanted to get your help to see if I can get this integrated better as well. My site/app hinges around this feature so any help is much appreciated!

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3050
    Ravi on #39519

    Hello Eric,

    Thank you for posting here. As we do not deal with the apps and we do not have access to their app code. We can not help you much with this issue. You have to ask for help from BuddyBoss for sorting out this issue.

    Any other assistance is needed please let me know.


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