

BP Force Profile Photo

  • Participant
    Dave on #51621

    Great plugin, I love it!
    But I found some issues.
    I set it that users can only use the BP-Comunity, after they set up their profile-Photo.
    Some of the users get upset with the fact that it is a must to upload a pic and want to leave the site (delete their account).

    But in this case they cannot access the “settings” page to delete their profile.
    So I have many unfinished profiles with no profilepics and that is also not good.

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 2952
    Ravi on #51625

    Hello Dave,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Have you tested the BuddyPress Profile Completion plugin if not Please try it. It is the updated version of the BP Force Profile Photo.

    Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-profile-completion/

    Please let me know if it helps or not.


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